Eva vom Leerburg
Eva vom Leerburg
Ohle v. Rundeck DDR SchH II
Artus v.d. Westendhohe SchH II
Grit v. Stephanstal DDR SchH I
Panter v. Schmiedegrundsee DDR SchH I KK 5-5-5
Bodo v Grafental SchH III DDR confirmation sieger FH
Janka v Schmiedegrendsee SchH I
Anja v Schmiedgrendsee DDR PSH II
Chucho vom Schloss Guttenberg SchH III
Gero don der Sjparcelhalle SchH II FH
Bodo von der Wolfszahnau SchH II
Ondra vom Brandlerhof SchH III
Alessa vom Schloss Guttenburg SchH II
Wicko von Meran Sch III FH I
Bona vom Waldwinkel SchH III FH
Fritzi vom Klebinger Schloss SchH I
Eva Vom Leerburg II (call name Penny) OFA Fair
Greif zum Lahntal SchH III FH
Sargus v Busecker Schloss SchH III FH IPO III
Vroni v. Busecker Schloss SchH II
Natan v Busecker Schloss SchHIII FH KKla
Bosco v Drei-Birken-Hof SchH III FH
Cora v.d Taunussteiner Hohe SchH III
Quexie v.d Reiterklause SchH III FH
Jenna vom Leerburg (call name Hanna)
Gildo v Korbalbach SchH III IPO III
Arek v. Stoffelblick SchH III FH KKla
Ira v. Korbalbach SchH III IPO III
Linn v.d Muhlengriecht
Hero v. Kleinen Pfahl SchH III FH
Goli v. Schloss Veitenstein SchH III IPO III FH KKla
Cindy v. Schloss Veitenstein SchH III
Penny is a really nice looking sable bitch with a very good pedigree. She lives in a foster home. The foster parents (a police officer) have small children and live in town. This dog is part of their family. This is one of my best Chucho daughters. She has a calm confident temperament. She takes things in stride with very, very solid nerves. The bitch has an excellent prey drive. She gets along with other dogs and is just a very nice female.
It will be one year since I picked up Elke at DFW airport on 12/10/98, I was excited that night as I went to get her, but my excitement and enthusiasm has only grown. I cannot express the amount of enjoyment and sense of accomplishment that I have received from working with her. She has bonded so well with me that we seem to be able to communicate almost on a human level. I've been told that dogs have a potential vocabulary of 380 words, that they understand the command after the second time they are given it after being shown, it just depends if they wish to obey. I definitely believe this, for Elke has an incredible number of words that she understands.We have been able to work almost only a daily basis, at times we walk and work around 20 miles a week(never too stressful - I remember you warning about running young dogs too much on hard surfaces before they develop) we are fortunate that we have about 200 acres of grass fields and 2 spring fed lakes that we use. I know that I have made a lot of mistakes in training her, my being a novice, but she is very forgiving. I can only imagine how she would be if trained by a professional. She is definitely a working dog, and gets so excited when I say "let's go work." We work on agility and obedience, she is definitely head strong but only wants to be with me and to please me.
It was worth searching for her and finding Leerburg Kennels, I feel I found and received the best service (your staff is great), instruction ( your articles, videos, overallsupport), and most of all a great dog (truly the best friend man or woman could have).
I was surprised and proud to see Elke's pictures on your web site.
Forever thankful for putting Elke and I together,
Clay Hansard & Elke