Tell v. Mecklenburger Buffel
Sch 1
Ulrich von der Wienerau FH SchH III
Nats vom Arolser Holz FH IP III SchH III
Dina vom Stahlhammer SchH II
Ilko vom Peko Haus VH III
Basko vom Flughafenrand SchH III
Erle vom Buckower Feld IP III
Blanka vom Korbelbach SchH III
Lanines vom Leipheimer Moor SchH III
Pascha vom Glockeneck FH SchH III
Grischa vom Schwarzen Milan FH SchH III
Ina vom Jaresberg FH SchH III
Zita vom Karlmitblick FH SchH III
Brando vom Kalmitblick FH IP III SchH III
Gitta vom Karlmitblick SchH II
Inka vom Fischerruck SchH I
Tell v. Mecklenburger Buffel SchH I Hips “A” Stamp Normal
Igor vom Haus Assja DDR SchH II
Sascha von der weissen Taube FH SchH III
Quanett von der weissen Taube SchH I
Zorro vom Haus Leipzig SchH I
Kliff vom Haus Leipzig SchH I
Sindy vom Haus Leipzig DDR SchH II
Halla von Violenberg ScH II
Wickie vom Kosters Eck SchH II
Don vom Rolandsteich FH SchH II
Dux van de Wendhoern SchH I
Quecke von Travalga DDR SchH I
Maike vom Kleinen Moor SchH II
Ex von der Citroperle SchH I
Petra vom kleinen Moor DDR SchH
Assi vom Burgschloss SchH II
Tell is a very serious self confident police service dog with a pedigree to match. Before being hit by a car and retired he was NAPWDA (North American Police Working Dog Assoc) Certified in Obedience, Aggression Control, and Building & Area Search. He was a narcotics detection dog, a certified patrol dog, and he had a Schutzhund 1 and "A" Normal hips. He was imported from Germany.
He is a stronger dog than my Otis in a lot of areas. His prey drive is VERY high and his hunt drive is close to Otis. Otis was just a quicker searcher. Tell would search all night long, he would never quit. His practical tracking was very good. he once tracked a five hour old track of a escapee for about four miles, before a customs helicopter picked up the dirt bag. Tell's narc work was fun. The only problem was that you could not take the toy away. He had to be put in a down and out the toy or trade with him. His prey was really aggressive.
His bark and guard was excellent, it scared a lot of
helpers. Tell did "running call offs" and responded to recalls
after being sent. He would do a down in route but with him, he just loaded
and went through the roof unless he could be turned so he would look away
from the bad guy.