Cindy's Answer
The remote collar is a great tool but it's not a magic bullet for this kind of issue. I would first suggest you stop allowing him to practice the wrong behavior and work on a rock-solid recall on a leash and long line. The more rehearsals dogs have of any behavior, the more ingrained it becomes. (both behaviors we want and behaviors we don't) this is also a hormone-driven behavior and it can be a real challenge to control some males when they smell females in season.
Once he's solid on a recall in all environments on a leash and long line, in separate training sessions you will want to condition him to the remote collar. Then it's a matter of combining the collar with his known commands and practicing it over and over. It's much easier to work with a young dog that has no history of running off following his nose than a mature dog that has practiced this for a while. I would recommend working with a knowledgeable trainer for help with this issue.
With consistency and good training, the remote collar is one of the best tools out there.