Leerburg » Natan Buesecker Schloss Litter

Natan Buesecker Schloss Litter

Natan Buesecker Schloss Litter

Natan was Sch3, FH, KKL1

OFA Excellent

Born 9-1-06

Natan died on January 5, 1998. The semen for this litter was collected in 1993. This is the first litter produced from that frozen semen. It produced 10 pups. Seven female and three males.

Click here to see the pedigree (Special thanks to Tracy Brown for doing this.)

We will be taking photos every week and putting them on this web page.


Photos on First day

Photos at ONE WEEK of age

Photos at TWO WEEKS of age

Photos at THREE WEEKS of age

Photos at FOUR WEEKS of age

Photos at FIVE WEEKS of age

Photos at SIX WEEKS of age

Photos at SEVEN WEEKS of age

Video at EIGHT WEEKS of age



Photos below were taken at 10 hours old~

Leerburg Pups - 10 hrs old


Leerburg Pups - 10 hrs old


Leerburg Pups - 10 hrs old


Leerburg Pups - 10 hrs old

Tired eyes after a long, long night


Photos Taken at ONE WEEK

Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


Leerburg Pups - 1 week old


WEEK TWO Taken 9-16-06

You may have a hard time seeing a difference between week one and week two photos. The pups eyes are coming open (although they are sleeping in these photos) - in real life they are up walking around but they sleep most of the day except when they eat.

You will start to see bigger changes in 7 more days when they are 3 weeks old.

Leerburg Pups - 2 week old


Leerburg Pups - 2 week old


Leerburg Pups - 2 week old


Leerburg Pups - 2 week old


Leerburg Pups - 2 week old


Leerburg Pups - 2 week old


Leerburg Pups - 2 week old

Week Three~Photos taken 9-23-06

We have moved the pups out of the whelping box and into the nursery. The nursery is one of our whelping rooms with a 2 foot high tile divider cutting the room in half. Pups are confined to the back and mom has access to the entire room. The litter sleeps on the carpeted area and has a newspaper potty area, although Sage still keeps the room clean.

Leerburg Pups - 3 week old

Leerburg Pups - 3 week old

They are starting to bark and play with each other. At 3 weeks of age, we introduce goat milk formula and get them used to the idea of eating out of a dish. They still nurse from mom, but with 8 hungry mouths to feed, it's a full time job for her to keep them all fed.

Leerburg Pups - 3 week old

Leerburg Pups - 3 week old

Leerburg Pups - 3 week old

Leerburg Pups - 3 week old

Leerburg Pups - 3 week old

Week 4 ~ Photos Taken 10-1-06

At 4 weeks, we begin adding raw ground beef to the puppies goat milk formula. They are being nursed by mom very frequently, but also are eating 3 meals a day from a dish.

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

We introduce the pups to the great outdoors at 4 weeks old, they love it!

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

Leerburg Pups - 4 week old

Week 5~Photos taken 10-7-06

The pups are spending most of the day outdoors now, and nursing sporadically during the day. Mom sleeps with the litter at night. They are eating three large meals a day, consisting of ground meat and goat milk. This week we will start to introduce raw meaty bones.

Click on link below to see Video (very large file, dial up users may want to pass on this one!)

Video of Puppies at 5 Weeks


Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

Leerburg Pups - 5 week old

6 Week Photos ~ Photos taken 10-16-06

Video of Puppies at 6 Weeks

(very large file)

Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old


Leerburg Pups - 6 week old

7 Week Photos~taken 10-21-06

Click here for video of pups at 7 weeks

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old

Leerburg Pups - 7 week old