Contact Us

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Have Questions?

If you have questions about your order, or if you're interested in purchasing something from our website and would like more information on which product to buy, you can call our office to speak with a sales associate. You can also place orders over the phone, or by faxing or mailing in an order form (get a printable version here).

Business hours are Monday-Friday from 8am to 5pm (Central Daylight Time)

Mailing Address
Leerburg Enterprises, Inc.
406 Technology Dr W
Menomonie, WI 54751
(715) 235-6502

(715) 235-8868

If you are having trouble or issues with the website, please make sure to check out the FAQ. If your problem is still unsolved, please don't hesitate to contact us with the form above. Be sure to include as many details as possible that might help us resolve the issue faster.

Why Shop at Leerburg?

Leerburg is a family owned business that has been selling dog training products online since 1994. Our founder, Ed Frawley, has been training dogs for over 35 years and had a successful breeding program. Along with Cindy Rhodes, (Ask Cindy), and a network of dog trainers from all over the United States, Leerburg is committed to providing sound and sensible dog training advice and instruction alongside selling quality dog training products.

We offer a variety of services, including streams of our instructional DVDs (Video on Demand) and online dog training courses (Leerburg Online University). To learn more about us and the company's founding, visit our About Us page.

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