Aggression Q&As
March 3, 2025
My American Bulldog killed my kitten, I need help.
My dog killed my kitten today. She was lying at the top of the stairs, and the kitten jumped on her trying to play and in 4 seconds he was gone. She has lived with cats in the past and has never done this. I am so heartbroken. I need to get her fitted for a good muzzle.
She also tries to dominate me; she sits on me in bed and growls if I try to move. She is also aggressive to other dogs.
Please how do I handle this? It can not happen again. I kept them separate for weeks. and weeks aft...
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March 1, 2025
My young female German Shepherd guards toys from our older male dog. How do we resolve this possessive behavior?
I have a 1.5 y.o. Working line Female Gsd and 5 y.o. Male Gsd. Both r neutered.
The female is guarded with possessions toward our male. When we are in the house relaxing and our male gets up to move towards a toy way across the room the female will rush and grab the toy. She’ll chew on it (Maybe, she just doesn’t want him to have it)then perhaps the male may a few minutes later go after another chew item. She’ll go after him again- and either take this new toy or guard it s...
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February 27, 2025
My service dog in training reacts poorly to some dogs in public, almost like he has PTSD, is there a course I can take to correct this behavior?
Hi. I'm training my dog as a service dog. He is just over 3 years old. He is a mutt mix of Blue Tick Coonhound, Siberian Husky, American Pit Bull, Labrador, and many other breeds. He performs his tasks well and learns more as my disability changes. We have been training for 14 months. In public, he reacts poorly to some dogs. A male black German shepherd bit him about two years ago. I've been working with a friend who has a male black lab. His reactions are getting better until I go to Fleet ...
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February 11, 2025
My 7 month old German Shepherd bit me when I bonked him on the head with a rolled up towel for lunging at another dog in a group class. Do you have any guidance for us?
Hi Cindy,
I have a 7 month working line German Shepherd. I have been training him since I got him at 8 weeks old. He is wonderful at home and very obedient. However, as he got older his aggression towards other dogs increased. I have been working with a trainer who is very experienced and we have tried everything; a prong collar he gets more stimulated, a gentle leader did nothing, I tried rolling up a face towel and when he would start to stare at another dog, just before lunging I would ...
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January 31, 2025
My dog is well trained and perfectly relaxed in public but if anyone tries to pet him he reacts with aggression. He won't do this with people he knows. Is there a solution or is it better to respect his nature and not let strangers approach.?
Hello Cindy.
This is about a 3-year-old, male border collie dog, it's not a fearful dog, He is confident and he has advanced obedience training, and also agility training. He can walk among people in malls, markets, and massive events keeping quiet and relaxed but if a stranger whether a woman, man, adult, or kid, approaches and tries to pet him, he reacts with aggression, even if people only praise him from a distance. He won't do it with people he knows.
I would like the dog to stop rea...
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January 29, 2025
My large dog has high prey drive and is selectively reactive to certain dogs and people. I have been using purely positive training with him. He pulled me down and dragged me going after a dog, is the prong collar appropriate for this dog.
I have a 4-year-old male large 80-pound dog that I tried to use Pure positive (I know better now) trainers and behavior vet. He has a very high Prey drive and is selectively reactive to certain dogs and people. He was pushed by a intact Samoyed at age 1 yr (he was intact at the time) dog got into his space he attempted to warn the dog to back off and a fight ensued. He has since been highly reactive with select Dogs and some people. He also has an insane high prey drive and has taken both mys...
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January 2, 2025
We adopted 2 female rescue puppies a couple years ago. They have a history of fighting and lately it's become more violent. If we establish more rules will they still fight?
I have a question about 2 female rescues we adopted a couple years ago. They are supposedly littermates, and at the least have been together since they were puppies. They've had a history fighting, but lately they have become much more violent. A fight yesterday required a trip to the vet for wounds. I've read on the site that adopting two dogs from the same litter can be problematic. But given we are already in the situation, is it worth trying to go through the "Groundwork to beco...
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January 1, 2025
Our 10 year old Golden Retriever is aggressive around any kind of food and has bitten multiple people over the years. What can we do?
Good evening
We have a 10yr old Golden retriever that we've had since 3months old, and our problem is with resource guarding. We can feed her food by hand and she'll wait between portions. But if she finds food first–either in home or outside–she will lunge and bite at us if we attempt to remove it or her. She has bit multiple people over the years, and mostly associated with food. She's a Jekyll and Hyde character: Completely sweet Golden when food isn't present, and defiant and aggr...
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August 13, 2024
When you have 2 dogs is it possible that neither of them is dominant over the other one?
I have watched the course on how to establish pack structure and have a question regarding dog behavior during play. I am researching as much as I can on the subject of dog body language and signs that could prevent a dog fight.
In the situation when a female and male that meet on a regular basis, have structured walks and play, is it possible that neither of them be dominant over another? The GSD female is 3 years old and the GSD male is 4 years old. They no longer play as much with each ...
83% (5 out of 6)
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June 17, 2024
My 2 dogs do not get along and they have been in bloody fights a couple of times. Will muzzling them in the house allow them to get along?
I have two dogs that cannot get along: a 9 year old spayed female lab/shepherd mix, and a 5 year old intact female German Shorthair. The German Shorthair was 11 months old when I got her, and when I brought her home, the mix breed attacked her. She responded by attacking the mixed breed, and they have been enemies ever since. It got bloody a couple of times. Currently, the German Shorthair stays outside most of the time, and the mix stays in the house. I run them daily (separately), and when...
100% (4 out of 4)
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November 1, 2023
My neighbor's dog attacked my puppy and I reported them to the township, was that the wrong thing to do?
In the 28 years of living in my home, my next door neighbor has had 4 dogs. Not any problems with the 1st one. The 2nd one they would walk and let poop on neighbors property without picking up. Then that neighbor had to post signs about picking up after your dog. His 3rd dog has bitten me, the floral delivery lady, the post man and attacked the others neighbors lab to the point of needing medical attention. His 4th dog came off their property and attacked my 5 month old puppy while I was walk...
100% (14 out of 14)
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October 26, 2023
My Husky growls and hard stares at my child. Do you have techniques to make her like my toddler?
Hi Cindy, i have a 7 1/2 year old spayed Siberian husky female. She is an obedient, well mannered dog, she has had reward based training with clear expectations since puppyhood, she also has a CGC title but i have one issue. She will hard eye my toddler even growling at times. My soltuion has been seperation, now the dog tolerates and actually enjoys interacting with children who know boundaries. My question is do you recommend counter conditioning or any techniques to help her learn to like ...
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August 7, 2023
How do we tell what kind of aggression our 2 dogs are showing when we have guests over? Is it fear, frustration or prey drive?
Dear Cindy,
we have 2 dogs (a 5-year old Beagle/GSD mix and a 4-year old Australian SD/Lab/Black retriever mix, both males) which have been exhibiting increasing aggressive behavior issues over the last 3 months. I am not sure how to identify what type of aggression it is (fear, frustration, or simple prey drive) and therefore what type of training/counter conditioning would be the most suitable one. Indeed, I suspected fear aggression. However, I learnt in one of Michael Ellis' videos that ...
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August 2, 2023
Can a dog bite through a cloth muzzle enough to draw blood?
Hi, we have an 13 year old terrier who is diabetic and blind. Recently we visited a family member with her. Also living there is a sister who has 2 large rescue dogs, both with bite histories. Their owner trains them daily. They are mostly leashed when outside, except when she is out with them.
When we arrived for the visit, both of these dogs were off leash but I didn't see their owner (she was around the corner at her car). The female dog was wearing a cloth muzzle.
I walked to the hous...
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July 9, 2023
My young Rottweiler attacked the vet and the animal hospital staff when I took him in to be neutered, is he going to turn on me one day?
My 80 year old aunt adopted a baby Rottweiler. When he got to be about five months she couldn’t handle him anymore (Da). I thought I was doing her a favor and I took him in but he had already developed bad habits and I think he is dominant. I’ve taken him to two trainers and finished basic obedience. Things are going pretty well. The other day I took him to the vet to get neutered and he attacked the vet and all the staff. I’m sure he was just scared and they were trying to tell them w...
88% (15 out of 17)
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July 7, 2023
My trained explosive detection and tracking dog shows no aggression in day to day life but when he has any type of painful experience he becomes HIGHLY aggressive only towards me. Can you help me?
I have a pretty well-trained Belgian Malinois. He does explosive detection and tracking very well. He is also very obedient. He has no aggression toward dogs, territory, toys, people, etc. But for some reason when my dog has any sort of pain whatsoever, he becomes highly aggressive only toward me. I have been reading and have been familiarized with a lot of your training methods at Leerburg since I left K-9 handler school. But even in your literature or the schools, I can’t find anything th...
88% (7 out of 8)
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July 3, 2023
My dog is fearful around strangers and becomes aggressive, what type of training program would work best for him?
Hi, my dog is fearful around strangers and will become aggressive when they get too close. What training program would work best for him? I'm stuck between two types 1. Board and Train (4 weeks at facility with field trips and at home follow up session) 2. Hybrid (9 week home self-study, coaching at a facility, Group Classes). My concern for option 1 is that he he may not listen to me or will revert back to his over protective habits because I wasn't the one training him while he was away. M...
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June 6, 2023
My dog is guarding bones from me. How do I address this?
I've made great strides with my dog, thanks to your advice. She displays only brief, calm interest or indifference towards the chicken coop and defers to the cats in the home if they growl, hiss, or run away - no chasing, fixating, etc. Thank you!
A new issue has cropped up: yesterday she began to guard high value treats from me (bison or beef bones), growling if I approach, and even snapping to deter me. These treats are new, but 1 week ago I could approach or pet her when she wa...
90% (9 out of 10)
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March 16, 2023
My 8 month old German Shepherd just started a group obedience class and 2 of the dogs in class were littermates. They were reactive to my dog and my dog was barking and lunging towards them. The trainer says that I am the problem because I'm anxious. What should I do?
I have an 8-month-old GSD who is very sweet-natured and who I have been successfully working on engagement and luring training since I got him at 8 weeks. He has played successfully with several other dogs that I knew well enough to allow that interaction and had no signs of aggression. However, I started him in obedience and the other two dogs in the class were littermates belonging to a mother and daughter. They were reactive to my dog and began lunging and barking and he lunged and barked ...
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May 31, 2022
Our Lab is struggling with reactivity on leash. Can you recommend a DVD for this topic?
We need guidance. Our lab is struggling with leash reactivity (due to frustration), and we are trying to set him up for more successful approaches/greetings with other dogs/people. Off-leash he is much better but those off-leash environments are few and far between where we live. Please recommend a DVD or academy that addresses this topic. Thanks.
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