Brushes & Rakes

Achieve a sleek, shiny coat with our top-tier brushes and rakes. These tools are crafted for all coat types and are perfect for everyday maintenance or intensive coat care. Choose from expert-approved products that reduce shedding and tangling.


New Online Courses

Self-Study Course
Remote Collar Master Class with Michael Ellis
Instructor: Michael Ellis
173 videos / 10 hr
Michael Ellis
Self-Study Course
Behavior Creation with Michael Ellis
Instructor: Michael Ellis
366 videos / 20 hr
Michael Ellis
Self-Study Course
 Michael Ellis 2-Week Protection Class - Part 2
Instructor: Michael Ellis
433 videos / 25 hr
Michael Ellis
Self-Study Course
 Michael Ellis 2-Week Protection Class - Part 1
Instructor: Michael Ellis
320 videos / 18 hr
Michael Ellis
Self-Study Course
The Power of Training Dogs with Markers with Ed Frawley (2024)
Instructor: Ed Frawley
55 videos / 4 hr
Ed Frawley
Self-Study Course
Training Your Dog to Come When Called Every Time with Ed Frawley
Instructor: Ed Frawley
93 videos / 6 hr
Ed Frawley
Self-Study Course
Dealing with Dominant and Aggressive Dogs with Ed Frawley
Instructor: Ed Frawley
200 videos / 19 hr, 36 min
Ed Frawley
Self-Study Course
K-9 Detector Dog Training with Kevin Sheldahl
Instructor: Kevin Sheldahl
300 videos / 7 hr
Kevin Sheldahl
Self-Study Course
Track! The Complete Guide with Marko Koskensalo
Instructor: Marko Koskensalo
45 videos / 10 hr
Marko Koskensalo
Self-Study Course
Protection Fundamentals with Marko Koskensalo
Instructor: Marko Koskensalo
26 videos / 8 hr
Marko Koskensalo

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