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November 20, 2012

Recommended My mom’s GSD has a lot of behavioral issues and is teetering on the edge of needing a new home. I’m frustrated with her, can you suggest some specific DVDs?

Hello Ed & Cindy, I'm writing today regarding my mother's year old spayed female GSD. She was purchased by my 18 year old brother who didn't do groundwork before leaving for college. She is loving & intelligent, but extremely stubborn and dominant. I've never had a dog this frustrating to train. She is teetering on the edge of needing to find a new home because of her behavioral issues. I'm hoping that you can suggest specific DVDs and articles that are most fitting for her issues. ...
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October 25, 2016

When we drop (our dog) off at daycare, he is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. Should we nix daycare?

We have an almost 7mth Malinois who when we drop off at daycare, is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. They said the rest of the day, he is perfect; it's just right after drop off happens. He starts crying when we pull up to the clinic not wanting to go but then they say he does excellent all day long! We don't get it. Just want to address the nipping issues because some techs are starting to get...
100% (74 out of 74)
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November 18, 2014

Recommended What's the shipping stress on a new puppy? I'm getting an 8 week old German Shepherd by air.

What is the shipping stress on puppies? I will be getting an 8 week old German Shepherd by air. The flight should only be one to one and a half hours.
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January 27, 2014

Recommended My dog wanted to play with another dog a lady was holding at the dog park. My dog eventually got the other dog's tail. The woman became angry and said I was unable to control my dog. What do I do in a situation like this?

Hi, I have a 6 month old Akita Inu. She's a really friendly dog but today there was an incident. A lady came into the park holding her little dog up in her arms like a baby. My dog wanted to play with that other little dog and kept leaping up to the lady to play with her dog. Eventually she got hold of that puppy's tail and held on causing the woman to lose her mind and accusing me of being unable to control my dog. What do I do in a situation like this?
100% (49 out of 49)
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February 19, 2013

Recommended When our Rottweiler gets excited if we try to correct him he becomes aggressive, is there a way to prevent him from escalating to aggression?

Hello! I'm new to your Facebook but love it! We have always had dogs and rescued many as well (of course they end up staying with us for the rest of their lives). We've rescued aggressive dogs scheduled for euthanasia however I am now faced with a tricky one that I'm not sure how to correct. Jack is a 1.5 year old rottweiler that was abandoned as a puppy. He is our 5th rottie, therefore we do have some experience with the breed (my favorite). He is the most loving boy however he challen...
100% (46 out of 46)
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May 23, 2011

Recommended Our new dog has started to snap at people at the park and new people coming into our home. Would you recommend more training or should we find her a more appropriate home?

Hi Cindy, I would really appreciate your input on a concern we have about our 4 month old GSD puppy. We purchased her from a breeder who breeds working line GSDs. She is crated every night, exercised twice a day and I have been working with her on basic dog obedience. We have a 6 year old lab that she plays with. We have tried to socialize her but she has started to snap at people at the park and new people coming into our home. We have a 3 year old son and we are very concerned that she w...
100% (45 out of 45)
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April 12, 2011

My 8-month old dog will chase and kill cats. What should I do?

Hello from Michigan. I am hoping you can answer a question for me. I have researched a lot of German shepherd information and recently purchased a female. I did not find your site until afterwards though, and I am hoping I am not sorry. I am so amazed and impressed with the information you make available. I will be ordering a video shortly. My question is, my female Sire: Addi von der Gundorfer Hohe and Bitch: Gini vom Merlin, is a very intelligent dog. But we do have a slight problem...Sa...
100% (44 out of 44)
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May 17, 2011

When taking the dog for a walk, does he always need to be in a heel position? I pull him close as cars are passing and if there are a lot of distractions. Is it necessary?

Hi, I first want to thank you for the extremely informative web site. You guys were recommended to me from "A Better Dog Training" because you had videos and I've been very pleased. We plan on getting some videos very soon but I do have a question that I was hoping you could help me with right now. When taking the dog for a walk does he always need to be in the heel position? He behaves very well when on a loose lease very rarely pulling, 8 month old yellow lab. I pull him close (heel) ...
100% (40 out of 40)
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October 13, 2011

Recommended Do you have an tips on quicker sits and downs?

Good afternoon Cindy, Looking for any tips on quicker sits and downs. I have a shepherd and he was doing great but has come to be more sluggish and don't know why. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Ted
100% (39 out of 39)
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January 3, 2013

Recommended If I purchase a digital streamed video do I have access to it forever? Can I then access it from my iPad and iPhone, correct?

Hi, If I purchase a digital streamed video do I have access to it forever? Can I then access it from my iPad and iPhone, correct? Thank you for your time.
100% (38 out of 38)
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November 15, 2013

Recommended I am puppy sitting for a Rottweiler puppy & he's very nice until you pick him up and try to cuddle him. He has quite a temper and tried to bite my face. Are these signs of an aggression problem?

Hi Cindy, I am watching a 12 week old Rottweiler puppy and he is the cutest little guy. He loves to play and seems like a very nice puppy until you pick him up to try to cuddle him. He displays quite a little temper and becomes aggressive. He tried to bite my face. This does not come across as playing as his personality changes to a mean streak. He means business. If I didn't dodge the bite, there is no doubt he might have bit me hard. As much as I like him, I wonder if these are sig...
100% (36 out of 36)
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January 19, 2015

Recommended I just adopted a 1 year old male German Shepherd and am wondering if the Basic Obedience course is right for me or if I should be looking at a different course.

Hi. I was interested in taking the Basic Obedience course offered online, but I am unsure if it is relevant for me. I have just adopted a 1 year old male German Shepherd from a very good breeder that recommended me to your site. He does know a bit more than the basic commands. I would like to learn the recall, better walking on a leash... he's not bad, but could be better. Basically I think my question is, is this course for teaching a puppy and should I be looking into a different cou...
100% (34 out of 34)
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October 27, 2014

Recommended I've been working on retraining the retrieve for 2 weeks and my dog still chews and pounces on the dumbbell. I have been following the instruction in Training the Retrieve with Michael Ellis. How do I address these issues?

I recently bought Michael's DVD on teaching the retrieve. She's all about retrieving, but she chews on the dumbbell. I switched to the pvc pipe like Michael suggested in the DVD. I've been working with her for two weeks using the pvc pipe and I'm not seeing any change in the chewing. I've tried reinforcing the hold by giving the command again and using my hand under her chin to hold her head up. She still continues to move it around in her mouth. Also, she's a maniac when she runs out to...
100% (34 out of 34)
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October 2, 2014

Recommended My rescued dog grabs my forearm in his mouth and clamps down, usually when we are leaving the house for a walk. Besides a muzzle is there anything you can recommend?

My question concerns my rescued Malinois. I have no info regarding his breeding or origins. He came into rescue after being treated for a broken leg (right femur shattered - his previous owner did not treat, and it healed on its own). He was crated continuously for 24 hours and given one walk per day. He was not fed properly, and was wormy when rescued. He has been neutered within the past month. He is approximately 1 year old. Given what he has been through, he is a good boy. He has some ...
100% (33 out of 33)
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December 10, 2013

I hike with my dog off leash. If I don't get him when we approach another dog, he runs at them and barks. He doesn't listen to me when I tell him to come. Is this because he doesn't look at me as Alpha? Any ideas?

Hi Ed & Cindy, I have a 2-year old GSD. When I hike with him and there is an approaching dog, I immediately put him on leash. If I don't get him in time, he runs up barking and carrying on. If the other dog doesn't take kindly to this, my dog will run back to me, but if the other dog runs, he will chase and run it into the ground. He won't bite, but I want to correct this. I usually walk the other way and call him and he eventually comes. Is this because he doesn't look at me as Alpha? If ...
100% (33 out of 33)
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July 17, 2013

Recommended Will the bark collar shock my dog when he drinks water or chews on a bone?

Hello, I am thinking of purchasing the bark limiter for my 130lb german shepherd. I will be living in a basement apartment where the family above me has a newborn and needs predictable quiet time. With the collar on, can the dog drink water without the shock? What about chewing a bone? Thank you for you answers.
100% (30 out of 30)
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July 12, 2011

Our dog reactive rescue lunges at other dogs while walking. I am wondering if we should keep working with her as we are or would we be better off using an ecollar or dd collar?

My husband and I have a 17 month old female Black Russian Terrier x Shepard. We rescued her 6 months ago. Shelby is our 4th rescue. We also have a 12 year old lab X shepard, Sydney. Although we had a few bumps to start - they get along very well. Shelby is crate trained. We are working with marker ob training and is generally going well. She is very dog reactive. Barking at the window, the fence, and when on a walk she sees them coming before I do. She stands with her tail straight up, heavy ...
100% (29 out of 29)
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April 19, 2011

My husband is going to put my 12 year old best friend to sleep today because it chewed up the new carpet. What can I do?

HI, I don't know if you can help me, but I don't know what to do. My husband wants to put my dog to sleep due to this. I have a 12-yr. old Australian cattle/spitz mix, Lived in my current house 2 yrs. Have a Golden 4 yrs old. The dogs are kept in basement when we leave for the day or a short time (which is fixed up lower level carpet patio doors, dog beds, water). They are played with daily. I have no kids; they are my kids. When moving in this house the 12yr old star...
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September 2, 2014

Recommended My dog is dog aggressive after being attacked. Would using an electric collar help with his situation?

I have a 130lb Great Dane who is dog aggressive after being attacked. It is not with every dog, but everyday he does do it. I have tried every option but he is intent on getting to the other side. He doesn't listen and it is very quick before he's in red zone. It's a battle to restrain him, nothing will snap him out of it. Could an electric collar work? If so, which one do you suggest? Also, have you ever known a dog not to respond to an electric collar? I am worried if this does not work tha...
100% (28 out of 28)
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February 1, 2013

Recommended Can I give my puppy (who is learning marker training) a treat at an odd time without saying YES? In other words, Does she have to hear the word YES come out of my mouth before she receives a treat?

Hi Cindy, I'm training my 12 week old F Malinois using marker training and it's working great. I've purchased the bait bag from you that I have clipped on at all times. I'm doing a ton of engagement with her (eye contact) and she's focusing on me for up to 5 seconds before I say "YES," pause, and reward her with food (hotdogs) or a toy reward. I haven't began incorporating any commands, but that's just around the corner. My question is: Can I give my puppy (who is learning marker traini...
100% (27 out of 27)
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