
Equip yourself with our functional headwear—face masks and hats designed for the serious trainer. Protect yourself from the elements while maintaining focus. Built to withstand outdoor use, our hats and masks offer the comfort and practicality you need to stay sharp in any environment.

Leerburg's 2 Ply Mask

New Online Courses

Self-Study Course
Remote Collar Master Class with Michael Ellis
Instructor: Michael Ellis
173 videos / 10 hr
Michael Ellis
Self-Study Course
Behavior Creation with Michael Ellis
Instructor: Michael Ellis
366 videos / 20 hr
Michael Ellis
Self-Study Course
 Michael Ellis 2-Week Protection Class - Part 2
Instructor: Michael Ellis
433 videos / 25 hr
Michael Ellis
Self-Study Course
 Michael Ellis 2-Week Protection Class - Part 1
Instructor: Michael Ellis
320 videos / 18 hr
Michael Ellis
Self-Study Course
The Power of Training Dogs with Markers with Ed Frawley (2024)
Instructor: Ed Frawley
55 videos / 4 hr
Ed Frawley
Self-Study Course
Training Your Dog to Come When Called Every Time with Ed Frawley
Instructor: Ed Frawley
93 videos / 6 hr
Ed Frawley
Self-Study Course
Dealing with Dominant and Aggressive Dogs with Ed Frawley
Instructor: Ed Frawley
200 videos / 19 hr, 36 min
Ed Frawley
Self-Study Course
K-9 Detector Dog Training with Kevin Sheldahl
Instructor: Kevin Sheldahl
300 videos / 7 hr
Kevin Sheldahl
Self-Study Course
Track! The Complete Guide with Marko Koskensalo
Instructor: Marko Koskensalo
45 videos / 10 hr
Marko Koskensalo
Self-Study Course
Protection Fundamentals with Marko Koskensalo
Instructor: Marko Koskensalo
26 videos / 8 hr
Marko Koskensalo
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