Leerburg's Getxent K9 Scent Kit

Getxent FAQ

How To Use Getxent Tubes

How does Getxent technology work?

To explain how the Getxent tube works, we consider 2 stages:

  1. Impregnation: the concentration of odor molecules in a blank Getxent tube is zero. Outside the blank Getxent tube, the concentration of target odor molecules is higher. There is a difference of concentration in odor molecules between the inside of the blank tube and the outside of the blank tube. This gradient of concentration creates a flow of odor molecules from the outside of the blank tube to the inside of the blank tube. Blank Getxent tube thus absorbs odor molecules.
  2. Release (training): thus the concentration of odor molecules inside the impregnated Getxent tube is higher than zero. The concentration of target odor molecules inside the impregnated Getxent tube is higher than outside the impregnated Getxent tube. This time, the gradient of concentration is in the opposite direction. Target odor molecules contained in the impregnated tube flow from the inside of impregnated tube to the outside of the impregnated tube. This flow prevents other odor molecules to contaminate the impregnated Getxent tube as they have to move counterflow.

As long as the Getxent tube is close to target, it is being impregnated. After, when used (eg. training), it releases and it is not sensitive to contamination of other odors coming from the outside of the impregnated tube.

How to absorb odors of drugs, explosives, electronic devices, or other non-living material?
  1. Place your target odor in a small, clean, and odor-free container with an airtight seal.
  2. Open the package containing Getxent tubes. While wearing disposable gloves, use a pair of tweezers to pick up the Getxent tube.
  3. Place the Getxent tube in the container with the target odor.
  4. Close the airtight container. Depending on how concentrated you want the odor to be, select one of the durations below:
    • Less than 24 hours: The Getxent tube's odor concentration will be less than the target sample.
    • 24 hours: The Getxent tube's odor concentration will be similar to the target sample.
    • More than 24 hours: The Getxent tube's odor concentration will be higher than the target sample. View concentration times.
  5. Open the container. While wearing disposable gloves, use a pair of tweezers to remove the Getxent tube. Store it in a small, clean, odor-free container with an airtight seal. This tube can be used for up to 6 months. These tubes can be washed with tap water to remove dust, mud, or particles which will not affect their odor concentration.
How to absorb odors of live animals, insects, or plants?
  1. Place the subject in a small, clean, odor-free container. You can leave the container slightly open to allow airflow.
  2. Open the package containing Getxent tubes. While wearing disposable gloves, use a pair of tweezers to pick up the Getxent tube.
  3. Place the Getxent tube in the container with the animal/insect.
  4. Close the container. Depending on how concentrated you want the odor to be, select one of the durations below:
    • Less than 24 hours: The Getxent tube's odor concentration will be less than the subject.
    • 24 hours: The Getxent tube's odor concentration will be similar to the subject.
    • More than 24 hours: The Getxent tube's odor concentration will be higher than the subject. View concentration times.
  5. Open the container. While wearing disposable gloves, use a pair of tweezers to remove the Getxent tube. Store it in a small, clean, odor-free container with an airtight seal. This tube can be used for up to 6 months. This tubes can be washed with tap water to remove dust, mud, or particles which will not affect their odor concentration.
How to absorb odors of a live human?
  1. While wearing disposable gloves, use a pair of tweezers to pick up the Getxent tube.
  2. Give the Getxent tube to the human subject. The human subject can choose to hold it in their hands, under armpits, behind the knee, etc.
  3. How long the human subject will have to hold the Getxent tube depends on your purpose:
    • For live human tracking: Subject should hold the tube for 5 to 10 minutes.
    • For human disease detection:
      • For experienced dogs: Subject should hold the tube for a few seconds up to a few minutes
      • For training purposes: Subject should hold the tube for 20 minutes.
How can I impregnate tubes with temperature sensitive target odors?

Some target odors must be kept frozen/refrigerated during impregnation to be preserved (ex. scat, blood, urine, etc.).

Getxent tubes can be placed in a fridge or a freezer for impregnation.

The definition of the best impregnation duration can be supported by GC-MS analysis.

Can I impregnated Getxent tube with frozen or cryogenized human remains?

Yes, the impregnation duration must be increased in comparison with the impregnation with human remains at room temperature.

The impregnation duration depends on:

  • The set-up used for impregnation
  • Sensitivity threshold of the dog
  • Odor concentration you want to get when working

You can start your trials by impregnating:

  • 5 days with non-frozen samples
  • 10 days with frozen or cryogenized samples
How long do I need to impregnate Getxent tubes?

The impregnation duration depends on:

  • The set-up used for impregnation
  • Sensitivity threshold of the dog
  • Odor concentration you want to get when working

In a general case, it follows the thumb rule:

Getxent tube odor concentration = impregnation duration (days) x target odor concentration

For example, 2 days of impregnation with 50 grams of explosives is equivalent to the odor of 100 grams of explosive.

Training with Getxent Tubes

Why does my dog trained on real material behave differently with Getxent tubes?

The odor profile released by the impregnated Getxent tube is strictly the same as the one from real material.

However, depending on the duration of impregnation, the intensity released by the Getxent tubes can be different from the real material. Indeed, it has been proven that dogs can only detect 10x more or 10x less the concentration they were trained with (see https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/11/2/326).

If the dog behaves differently with impregnated Getxent tubes, the main reason is that the intensity released by the tube is out of your dog detection limit (too high or too low).

We suggest testing different impregnation durations and check the behavior of the dog.

Can impregnated Getxent tubes be used as baits?

Yes, Getxent tubes are already used as baits, for example in bed bugs' traps.

When used in public transportation, will impregnated Getxent tubes leave residues on luggages?

No, the Getxent tubes release molecules and not particles. Thus, no particles will be found on the object once the Getxent tube has been put on.

The object in contact will not be detected by machines used in airports (ex. Itemizer).

Nevertheless, we recommend avoiding direct contact with the target material during the impregnation process of the Getxent tubes.

How can I use Getxent tubes for training?
  1. Take one impregnated Getxent tube from the storage container with pliers
  2. Hide the Getxent tube, you can immediately start the training. Getxent tubes can be hidden safely everywhere (e.g. public settings, buidlings, vehicles, nature, etc.)
  3. After the training, take the Getxent tube with pliers and place it in the same storage container.
Can I use impregnated Getxent tubes indoors and outdoors?

Yes, Getxent tubes can be placed indoors and outdoors (building, forest, desert, under water, in the soil, etc.)

Will impregnated Getxent tubes be contaminated by the odor of the surroundings?

No, when used in proper conditions (e.g. training), an impregnated Getxent tube will not absorb the odor of the surroundings (background odor) as the odor released from the Getxent tube hampers absorption of a new odor.

Do impregnated Getxent tubes leave an olfactive print on the surface?

No, impregnated Getxent tubes do not leave olfactive print on the surfaces.

However, an impregnated Getxent tube will leave a cloud of odorous molecules in the surroundings of the place it was left; this cloud might take few minutes to dissipate.

How long can I use an impregnated Getxent tubes?

The duration of use of an impregnated Getxent tubes highly depends on:

  • Set-up used for impregnation
  • Duration of impregnation
  • Sensitivity threshold of the dog

It also depends on the time spent outside its closed storage packaging.

For "long" impregnation duration (>6h), you can use the following thumb rule : the duration of impregnation is equal to the duration of continuous use. For example, a Getxent tube impregnated during 48h will last 48h if use continuously. 48h of continuous use corresponds to 2x 1h trainings per week during 6 months.

That is the reason why we consider that typically, impregnated Getxent tubes can be used up to 6 months.

For "short" impregnation duration (<6h) results are different. For example, Getxent tubes impregnated during 20min with Covid+ persons were successfully used at least 1h during training.

Can I use control tubes ("blanks")?

We don't recommend using control tubes ("blank").

Indeed, the blank Getxent tubes are sold odorless. We have performed several analysis with our Gas Chromatography coupled Mass Spectroscopy, there are no odor molecules on the blank tubes which has been confirmed by the FBI study.

In parallel, we ran several trials with dogs (around 100) and none have marked any interest. One of our customers tried to train a dog to detect a blank Getxent tubes but it was a failed.

On top, if you want to use blank tubes during the training, you have to change them frequently (every 5-10 minutes) which is good for our business but not for your wallet. Indeed, as long as the blank Getxent tube is out, it will start to absorb odors and might absorb the target odor.

Storage & Handling

How long can I store Getxent tubes?

Getxent tubes can be stored up to 36 months after delivery in their original sealed packaging.

After opening, keep them in the original hermetically sealed packaging or in any other clean, small-volume, odor-proof packaging.

Our best recommendation is to use glass jars or flexible packaging with an aluminum layer.

How can I store Getxent tubes?

Getxent tubes can be stored between -80°C and +55°C in a clean and dry place.

Our best recommendation is to use a fridge.

Can I cut Getxent tubes into smaller parts?

We don't recommend cutting Getxent tubes, as it is not possible to guarantee that the odor is the same everywhere on the tube. Indeed, it depends on how the tube was impregnated.

To decrease the intensity of the odor released by Getxent tubes, the best way is to decrease the duration of impregnation.

Why do some Odor Getxent tubes seem to have no smell for human?

That's perfectly normal.

The level of sensitivity between dogs and humans is different, dogs are much more sensitive.

The goal is to have a target odor concentration which is similar to the one that you can find on the field.

Are Getxent tubes sterile?

Even they are not submitted to a sterilization stage, all tests performed by independent labs show no growth of bacteria or fungi (LB and PDA growth media).

How can I handle non-impregnated Getxent tubes?

Manipulate not impregnated Getxent tubes in an odor-free area.

Always minimize the time spent handling the Getxent tubes and the exposure to the environment.

Use gloves and metals pliers (see general recommendations for handling).

How can I manipulate Getxent tubes?

Manipulate Getxent tubes with metal pliers and disposable gloves.

Our best recommendation is to use powder free nitrile gloves covered by polyethylene powder free gloves.

Can I wash Getxent tubes?

Not impregnated Getxent tubes are clean and shouldn't be washed.

Impregnated Getxent tubes can be washed with tap water to remove dust, mud or any particle. The cleaning does not affect their performances.


Can I re-impregnate an impregnated Getxent tube?

Getxent tubes cannot be re-impregnated, even with the same target odor.

How can I dispose of Getxent tubes?

Dispose Getxent tubes and packaging in normal trash.

If they are contaminated with real/live material, comply with the legal requirements for disposal of the contaminant.

Is there a Material Safety Data Sheet for Getxent Tubes?
What is the minimum and maximum amount of time to obtain a scent?

This really depends on the sensitivity threshold of the dogs and the trainer needs. Based on customer’s feedback, it goes from 3 seconds to couple of years.

How many hours can the tubes be out in the environment during training before we are creating such a low scent volume that we should not use them?

The tube can be out in the environment at a duration equivalent to the impregnation time.

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