Sorry, Leerburg no longer offers the GARMIN BarkLimiter Series.
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Key Features

  • For dogs 6 months and older
  • Bark Odometer™, measures effectiveness by counting number of barks
  • Reduces false and over corrections
  • Easy to use and works right out of the box
  • Compact, lightweight, and waterproof design

Product Description

Using innovative bark identification technology powered by micro electro-mechanical acceleration sensors, the BarkLimiter series is able to distinguish between barking and other vocalizations. Also exclusive to the new BarkLimiter series is Advanced Bark Correction Technology, which delivers consistent and instantaneous correction, while virtually eliminating false corrections caused by external noises. And it all works right out of the box with a convenient Autorise setting that automatically programs the stimulation intensity level based on the barking behavior of each individual dog. Or, choose manual or vibration options for alternative modes of correction. This lightweight, compact device is the perfect training tool for any dog with nuisance barking.

Additional Features

  • Fits up to 24" neck size
  • Exclusive bark differentiating technology
  • Autorise automatic bark correction
  • Integrated stainless steel contact points engineered to fit all dog breeds and all coat thicknesses
  • Alternate correction modes: vibration and manual (7 levels)
  • Compatible with all Garmin 3/4" wide replacement collar straps

BarkLimiter Deluxe

BarkLimiter Deluxe, built with proven Tri-Tronics® dog training technology, is the world’s first intuitive electronic bark correction device. It uses accelerometer-based bark identification to distinguish between barking and other vocalizations.

It's compact and lightweight, due to its slim, rechargeable lithium-ion battery (up to 3 months battery life). Even with integrated stainless steel contact points — optimized to work on all dog breeds and coat thicknesses — BarkLimiter Deluxe is still one of the most compact designs on the market. And it's ready to go right out of the box — no set-up required.

It's compact and lightweight, due to its slim, rechargeable lithium-ion battery.

Bark Recognition Technology

The BarkLimiter detects bark signals solely through vibrations from a dog’s throat. This virtually eliminates false corrections caused by paw scratching or scraping of external surfaces, or other noises like the barks of nearby dogs. So your pet won’t receive false corrections for the barking of other dogs in the neighborhood, the kennel or doggy daycare.

Autorise Technology

BarkLimiter Deluxe is automatically set for Autorise right out of the box. Autorise starts at the lowest correction level and gradually adjusts to a level to stop unwanted barking without rising further. This gives you immediate relief from nuisance barking.

You can also switch from automatic to manual settings. Built-in Bark Odometer™ helps determine the effectiveness of the manual correction level by counting the number of barks while you are away.

Vibration Setting

You have the option of setting BarkLimiter Deluxe to correct barks using vibration for an alternative to stimulation.

3 stars
Based on 5 reviews

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4 stars
December 09, 2020
Gostaria de saber se funciona.a coleira em um shitzus adultos?
4 stars
May 06, 2019
I am certain that this product works brilliantly on some dogs, but the vibration strength only has one level (too low even for a small dog) I would have liked to have several levels of vibration instead of having to resort to shocks.
The lowest shock level, however, sent my dog sky-high screaming!! Which brings me too my second point -- I could not get the collar off of her fast enough. I ended up grabbing a scissors and cutting through it) because she was screaming and getting shocked every time!!
When I tried Level 1 on my own forearm (which I should have done before EVER testing it on my dog) it was a VERY painful shock which left two marks on my skin for several hours.
What is REALLY missing on this product is an audible warning "Beep" -- Like a marker that tells the dog - "something aversive (instead of positive) is coming if you keep doing that." It would give the dog a chance to stop the behavior BEFORE getting the xyz zapped out of them.
I will never use this product on another dog and cannot recommend it at all without these adjustments.
PS -- I ended up buying a PET TEC Antibark Vibra Trainer from Germany for about $30. This has a quick release collar, no shocks but 7 strength levels of vibration, It also has 7 volume levels of warning beeps and 7 levels of sensitivity (How strong the bark has to be before it beeps). It does not appear to react to another dog's barking or other ambient sounds. The vibrations may not be strong enough to stop some dogs, but mine only had to hear the beep and feel the vibration once or twice, now I can just put it on her without even turning the device on! If she gets too excited, I turn it on and at the first beep, she stops before it even vibrates! -- I think GARMIN could do better considering the price tag on this product.
4 stars
Verified Purchase
May 28, 2018
Worked ok when new, died in under a year, would buy a different brand next time.

Note from Leerburg: This particular model (the Garmin Bark Limiter Regular) has a replaceable CR2 battery. The manufacturer recommends replacing the battery every 10 months or so
4 stars
November 29, 2015
Finally, no more barking. We tried several other popular anti-bark collars in the past without success. I set this on A(automatic) and we have not changed it. Now my dog only barks once and stops. You do have to charge it daily if your dog wears it all the time but that's easy. I highly recommend. I also added the bungee quick release e-collar strap to it to make on and off faster and easier.
4 stars
November 30, 2014
Our trainer gave us her BarkLimiter to try because our 2 year old brittany spaniel has developed separation anxiety, where she howls and defecates in her crate when we leave. We had previously tried an ultrasonic bark box without success. The Garmin BarkLimiter worked immediately after one correction. It was truly amazing and we were thrilled, until about day 3 when she started to become petrified of her crate. Our trainer recommended trying some crate games to positively associate the crate again, and to play these crate games while wearing the collar. The games went well, but all of a sudden the collar shocked her, and she hadn't been making any noise whatsoever. I am so incredibly upset by this. Our trainer says this is the best bark collar on the market and she doesn't know why it would shock her without her barking/howling. I just can't in good conscience put something on my dog that is going to correct her when she didn't do anything wrong. It's not fair to her. I am really heartbroken over this, because now we are back to square one with her separation anxiety. I'm at a loss.

GARMIN BarkLimiter Series

Sorry, Leerburg no longer offers the GARMIN BarkLimiter Series.

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