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Key Features

  • By Karen Pryor
  • Paperback
  • 100 pages
  • Comes with free i-Clicker

Product Description

Clicker training is sweeping the world of dog ownership. With this book, you can learn the principles of this all-positive method of training to deepen your bond with your dog. Find out why every interaction is a training opportunity, why mistakes are best ignored, why punishment doesn't work, and why your dog will understand the language of 'click' better than anything else.

The step-by-step photographs in this book make clicker training fun and easy!

Karen Pryor is one of the foremost authorities on clicker training and this book is one that every dog owner should own. Do your dog a favor and add this to your library.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • A Dog and a Dolphin
  • Getting Started- A Few Easy Behaviors to Train with a Clicker
  • Clicker Tips
  • But What About...? Frequently Asked Questions
  • The Clicker Revolution
  • Finding Out More
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4 stars
May 13, 2014
Karen Pryor, the author of this book, is the woman who introduced clicker training into the dog training's world. As a dolphin trainer, she was convinced that the animal friendly method she used for training dolphins would work for dogs as well. And how right she was! Clicker training is now used by countless training schools and individual dog owners all over the world.

"Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs" explains what clicker training is, why you should use it and especially HOW to use it. Clicker training is not about the clicker or about food! It is about reinforcement and correct timing, in such a way that information is communicated between trainer and dog. Together you and the dog will learn a new way of interacting. Learn from this book how training can be FUN, both for you and your dog!

P.S.: no, clicker training is NOT about trick training (although you can use it to learn your dog funny tricks)! Learn from this book how to communicate with your dog using a clicker, and teach him to sit, lay down, heel, stay, NOT to jump up, NOT to pull etc. Enjoy!
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Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs

Sorry, Leerburg no longer offers the Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs.

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