Key Features
- By Kyra Sundance
- Paperback
- 208 pages
Product Description
Trick training is a great way to bond with your dog, help him integrate into your family, and keep him mentally and physically challenged.
A wide range of tricks for every dog and skill level: beg, bow, say your prayers, find the remote, and more! Step-by-step instructions to guide the trainer; troubleshooting tips to solve problems; and "build-on" ideas that encourage taking a mastered skill to the next level.
Complex tricks are broken down into smaller, easier-to-learn skills, with a brief overview of how the trick works and what to expect.
Table of Contents
- Groundwork - sit, down, stay, come
- Traditional Favorites - shake hands, fetch/take it, drop it/give, balance and catch, sit pretty/beg, speak, roll over, play dead
- Time For Chores - fetch my slippers, get your leash, walk the dog, newspaper delivery, say your prayers, kennel up, carry my purse, tidy up your toys, roll yourself in a blanket
- Funny Dog - honk a bike horn, peekaboo, doggy push-ups, act ashamed, limp,pickpocket pooch, play the piano, world's dumbest dog
- Modern Conveniences - get the phone when it rings, turn off the light, open/close a door, ring a bell to come inside, pull a rope, bring me a beer from the fridge, mail carrier, find the car keys/remote, push a shopping cart, bring me a tissue
- Let's Play a Game! - soccer, football, basketball, hockey goalie, hide-and-seek, go hide, which hand holds the treat?, easter egg hunt, ring toss, shell game, dog on point, 3-2-1 let's go!
- Jumping and Catching - jump over a bar, jump over my knee, jump over my back, jump into my arms, summersault/handstand vault, baton jumping, jump rope, beginning disc dog, disc vault off my leg
- Jumping Through Hoops - hoop jump, jump through my arms, double hoop sequence, hoop jump over my back, disobedient dogs-under the hoop, rolling hoop dive, through a hoop lying on the ground, paper-covered hoop
- Obstacle Course - tunnel, crawl, touch a target, under/over, teeter-totter, weave poles, climb ladder, roll a barrel
- That Dog Can Dance! - heel forward and backward, back up, spin circles, take a bow, place (circle to my left side), side (swing to my left side), leg weave, figure 8's, moon walk, jump for joy, chorus line kicks
- The Thinking Man's Dog - my dog can count, discern objects names, directed retrieve, directed jumping, pick a card from a deck, food refusal, find the object with my scent, contraband search, track a person's scent trail
- Love Me, Love My Dog - kisses, paws on my arm, head down, cover your eyes, wave good-bye
About the Author
Kyra Sundance and Chalcy, her Weimaraner, are world-class dog trick show performers and trainers, and are regulars at sporting events, fairs, and circuses. They've performed on TV shows around the world including The Tonight Show, Ellen, Entertainment Tonight, and Showdog Moms & Dads, and have trained on movie sets. The pair is nationally ranked in competitive dog sports.

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