Key Features
- Imported from Belgium
- Colors may vary
- Reinforced stitching in the bite area
Product Description
The foundation to bite training is done is small incremental steps. Young pups start bite work on a soft Leather Bite Rag and then graduate to a short puppy tug or Puppy Soft Sleeve, from there the dogs are moved on to a Young Dog Sleeve, then to the Intermediate Soft Sleeve (shown on this page), then to an Advanced Soft Sleeve or a Body Bite Suit and/or a Hard Arm and finally a Hidden Sleeve or muzzle.
The step from the puppy tug to the Beginner Soft Arm is made when the young dogs mouth and jaw structure is big enough to grab and hold the sleeve. This is usually around 6 months of age. The transition to the Intermediate Bite Arm is done between 7-12 months of age, depending on the dogs skill level. If you have any questions about this see my tape titled The First Steps of Bite Training.
This Intermediate Bite Arm that we sell can also be used with adult dogs. The fact that a soft sleeve allows the dog to feel movement inside the sleeve as the helper vocalizes during the bite is often seen as an advantage to a dog that is being trained for personal protection and police work. Often times, dogs that are only trained on hard sleeves have a problem when they first grip a suspect because they have never bit into something soft that moves. This sleeve can help get you over this hurdle. The Intermediate Bite Arm has reinforced stitching in the 'bite area'.
The sleeve to get depends on the dog, the level of training, and the goal of the training. If you are training a personal protection dog, I like to use both a hard and a soft sleeves. Not everyone can justify spending $1300.00 or more on a body bite suit. The soft sleeve offers them the advantage of biting something soft without having to make the big investment.
These sleeves come from Europe in different colors. We do not order specific colors. We can only sell the colors they send us. Sometimes the sleeves are red, blue, black or a tan color. We have no control over the color.

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