Goughnuts Warranty
Goughnuts Safety Guarantee: If your dog chews through the outside wear layer of any Goughnuts Ring or Stick, Green, Black, Yellow or Orange, to expose the indication layer, Red, Goughnuts will replace your toy. Goughnuts, "Chew Toy Safety Indicator" is a mechanism for the dog owner to see a clear indication of when to take the Goughnut from the dog.
Safety Guarantee Policy
For a toy replacement, please view the Goughnuts Safety Guarantee Policy.
Damaged Toy Example

In general, a chew toy is designed to withstand the aggressive chewing of your dog. The Goughnut is designed with diameters that are sized to make it difficult for your dog to destroy or damage the Goughnut. It is important to know that manufacturing is not perfect. Whether a chew toy has a defect or your dog simply has the power to destroy a toy, as soon as the original design of the toy is compromised the toy must be taken away from the dog.
Any red indication is an indication to take the toy away. We will only congratulate you for taking the toy away when the smallest amount of red is present. Many dog owners have followed our patent pending instruction showing us that the premise is working. Please make every effort to keep your dog safe. No chew toy is indestructible.
Correct sizing is as important as any safety feature. Choose a chew toy that is big in your dogs mouth. The chew toy should appear large in your dogs mouth. When you have a doubt about what size to choose, please ask a pet professional for help. As a rule make sure the chew toy is larger in size than the distance between your dogs back molars when measuring across the jaw.
Correct time to take the toy away - Red Indicator. The photo is an example of a dog owner that did a good/correct job at taking the Goughnut away from the dog when red was indicated. Please realize that this amount of red is not more than 1/8 inch in size. The red clearly shows even though the indication size is quite small. Please use this example to realize that we do not want to see excessive damage before the toy is taken away. This Goughnut was well loved. This damage was made by a 100 pound yellow lab.