Key Features
- 13" long x 9" width
- Used in later stages of bite development
- Imported from Germany
Product Description
The Jute Bite Pillow is used in bite development. Bite pillows are an important part of training the foundation of protection. This mid-sized pillow is great for more experienced dogs who are getting ready to work on bite sleeves, and is beneficial in teaching the OUT exercise.
New trainers often misunderstand how or when to train the OUT exercise. The correct way is to teach the dog when the dog is young and in its bite development stage.
We start by teaching the young dog to Out off of a normal tug toy. We teach the dog that Outing is not the end of the tug game by showing them that the game goes on just as soon as they Out the tug.
Once the young dog understands this basic concept, we move on to bite pillows and repeat this process, teaching the dog to tug and Out with the pillow. From there, we do the same thing with a puppy sleeve or a young dog sleeve before finally moving onto hard sleeves or bite suits (depending on your goals in bite work).
The bottom line is that waiting to train the Out is a mistake. Waiting too long requires more pressure to get the Out, and it is also confusing for a dog that has been allowed to bite and bite and bite during bite development, then all of the sudden is expected to Out on command. It is much wiser to introduce the Out correctly at an earlier stage with tugs and bite billows.
The bite pillow is 13" long and 9" wide. If you need a smaller pillow for dogs starting the foundations of bite work, view our Mini Bite Pillow.
It should be obvious that bite pillows are not chew toys, and we would never leave a bite pillow unattended with our dogs. If this happens, be prepared to purchase a second pillow!
This is a photo of a tug that was left unattended with a young dog (6 to 8 months) for about 20 minutes. Similar to tugs, bite pillows are not chew toys and should never be left with dogs alone. When used correctly, they last for a very long time--but when left unattended with a dog, they may only last minutes.

Use Only As Directed
No product is 100% indestructible. It is unrealistic to expect that from any product. The products that we sell at Leerburg are the best quality and most durable that we have found. Always supervise your dog when using our products, and periodically inspect for damage. Do not allow your dog to continue to use a damaged or broken toy. This product is designed to be used under direct supervision with a dog. It is not designed to be used with a spring pole.

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