Key Features
- Adjustable firmness
- Easily remove or add V-Inserts
- Removable and replaceable cover
- 2 handles
Product Description
The Adjustable Forearm Sleeve is suitable for dogs with a wide range of experience. The V-Shaped inserts are easily added or removed depending on the firmness of sleeve you need. With both inserts, the sleeve has a firmness slightly less than that of an IPO trial sleeve. With both inserts removed, the sleeve acts nicely as a intermediate level sleeve and with just the larger insert in, the sleeve would be appropriate for working experienced dogs regularly. The sleeve has two handles, to allow for you to catch and work dogs with multiple presentations. The removable covers allows you to replace the cover if, over time, waring begins to show. You also have the option of ordering a synthetic replacement cover. *Note: The Synthetic Replacement Cover is a special order item so please contact us directly to place an order.
No toy is 100% indestructible. It is unrealistic to expect that from any product. The products that we sell at Leerburg are the best quality and most durable that we have found. Always supervise your dog when using our products, and periodically inspect for damage. Do not allow your dog to continue to use a damaged or broken toy. This product is designed to be used under direct supervision with a dog. They are not designed nor should they be used with a “SPRING POLE”.

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