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This is an excellent course for beginners in the scent detection dog sport. The training concepts in this DVD will apply to all of the various scent work competitions.

This is the second training DVD in a series of DVDs that Leerburg has done on Nosework with Andrew Ramsey.

The goal of this training video is to cover Andrew Ramsey’s methods for teaching a detector dog obedience to odor and a focused response. These are very important skills that every detector dog should know.

This DVD is laid out to show the training steps for Obedience to Odor (OTO), a Focused Response (FR) in addition to a chapter on the finer points of handling a nose work dog while in training.

In the handler training chapter of our DVD, we are going to review the following subjects:

  1. Many dogs have been taught to "give to leash pressure." In our DVD we explain and demonstrate how to teach a dog to resist leash pressure and stay with the odor source. This is a critical part of developing a focused response.
  2. How correct timing in rewards builds to a Focused Response.
  3. Introducing the SIT as a final response.
  4. We cover footwork and correct leash handling during a search.
  5. We cover the difference in handling a lower drive dog vs. a high drive, fast dog during a search. We also show the search pattern to use for a high drive dog.
  6. We will cover drive building techniques and why choosing the right reward for each dog is fundamental to a good detector dog. We have an excellent video of Andrew testing a dog's food drive and toy drive. This turned out to be a dog that works for one reward one day and a different reward on another day. The handler's job is to figure out what reward to use in that day's training session.
  7. We will discuss how to evaluate a "false indication" along with what a handler needs to do to eliminate an aggressive indication (scratching).

For 10 years I was a K9 handler on our local sheriff's department and drug task force (1990 to 2000). I literally have done thousands of narcotics searches. I cannot tell you how many times during the production of these Nosework DVDs with Andrew Ramsey that I wished I had had this information available back then. The work in these training DVDs makes me feel like my years as a K9 handler were spent in the dark ages of detector dog work.

While these DVDs have their foundation in the sport of Nosework, the fact is these exact training methods can be used to train a dog to detect any odor. There is no difference between teaching a dog to detect narcotics, bed bugs, termites, Nosework scents or explosives. It all comes down to what odors the handler chooses to use in their training program.

5 stars
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4 stars
December 27, 2014
We play a game with Turk in which we hide his rope, and have him "Find It" (that's the command) he seems to enjoy the game, and even get excited to play and find it. One time we hid two ropes and he found the one we had him smell before hiding the 2nd the rope, then we did it again this time putting the 2nd rope on top the game rope, he moved the 2nd rope and grabbed the game rope. So today his Nose-work kit arrived, we took a tin with a Q-tip scented in "Cloves" we hid the tin then said, "find it" he ran in smelled around and hit on it. Patty called him back to her and it was moved, again we said "find-it" and he came running in and again found it within a few seconds. It is fun to see him start sniffing around and then move toward it, then find it. There are steps to take to have him hit and sit, or freeze, and we will follow those steps, but as far as nosework goes, it is a game he seems to enjoy, he seems to understand "find-it" and whatever the sent is he will find it.. I changed scents after a half dozen times with the Cloves, I switched to "Aniseed oil" I let him smell the new scent, said, "find it" and off he went, sniffed around and went to it. He seems like a natural and the pep in his step seems like he likes the game. He played with the Aniseed oil about a half dozen times and was done playing, from what I understand you are not supposed to play too long anyway, so I would guess the 18 or so times he played was enough, he found it all but may two times and those two times he was in the area, he just didn't point directly to it, and one of those times it was up under a cabinet, so just standing at the cabinet was pretty good, the other miss, again he was standing at the shelf it was on, he just didn't smell from the floor up high enough, so he knew he was in the area, he just laid down looking at the shelf, all the other times he put his nose right up to the tin. After that, I did it one more time, I like him to finish on the high note, so I put it where we started out, He seemed to check there first every time, he went right in and right to it, and stopped searching.

By the way, Turk has been being paid with "Praise" I know to get him to freeze or sit, I will need to pay with food. From what I am seeing, as he will wait for the payoff, after he finds the scent it won't matter if it is food or a toy, and as he learns he will wait longer by the scent for the pay-off. Turk will get his pay-off, eat it, then turn to us for praise... I know because so far, he has found the item, then looked on to us for praise. This is Fun, I am a retired Police Officer/Detective injured in the line of duty and can no longer walk, so for us this is police games Turk a GSD likes playing cops and robbers.
5 star rating
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Nosework: Obedience to Odor and Focused Response with Andrew Ramsey

Nosework: Obedience to Odor and Focused Response with Andrew Ramsey Cover Art
$60.00 $50.00

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