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Key Features

  • Fake Narcan training Aid
  • Soft plastic training cone
  • Cone has large hole to pass food rewards through
  • Leerburg Clicker

Product Description

This training kit was designed by Leerburg to help K9 Officers prepare their dogs for an emergency accident where the dog requires a dose or doses of Narcan and/or Oxygen.

Dogs that have never been conditioned to these items are going to be very stressed in an emergency situation when they need medical attention. We included a couple of videos showing how difficult it can be to work with a dog that has never been conditioned.

But if a handler has taken the time to condition his or her dog to these training aids in a distraction-free environment, the dog will accept them in a medical emergency.

If you are a current K9 handler and you don't think this conditioning is necessary, just try and put an oxygen cone over your dog's nose, or try inserting a Narcan inhaler in the dog's nose. Get ready for the wrestling match. You will quickly learn that dogs don't like it. In fact, they want nothing to do with it, some may even try and bite their handler.

Then ask yourself: "If he fights me this hard when there is little to no distraction, how hard or stressed will the dog be if you are on a deployment and there is a lot going on around you?"

None of these problems would happen if officers simply used markers and food rewards to teach the dog to accept these aids. It is a simple thing to do if you use markers and high-value food rewards. The food rewards are the reason for the large hole in the cone. It's designed to easily pass rewards through the hole.

If you have one of those rare dogs that doesn't have a strong food drive, simply fast the dog for a day or two. Then do the conditioning training. Fasting has a way of building food drive and it doesn't hurt the dog one bit.

If you're not familiar with marker training or how to correctly use a clicker, get the online training course Leerburg produced title THE POWER OF TRAINING DOGS WITH MARKERS and THE POWER OF TRAINING DOGS WITH FOOD

We also have a video that Ed Frawley produced titled Conditioning Your Dog to Wearing a Muzzle. While there are similarities to this oxygen mask and a police muzzle, they are not the same and very few dogs will have generalized the two. If you want to see why I say this, look at the videos included in this product description. All of those police dogs wear a muzzle and can do muzzle fighting as a certified police service dog. They all have issues with the Narcan training aid and the oxygen mask. That's because they had not yet been conditioned to these items.

We have to thank a non-profit organization called OPK9 medical team based in Madison WI. Dr Lisa Converse teaches trauma Veterinary medicine at several universities here in Wisconsin. OPK9 goes all over the state and does free seminars for police and sheriff departments. They fund their work with donations and personal money, if you are looking for a charity to support, this is an excellent one. We stream their seminar on our website.

Operational K9 Medical Team

Police K9 Oxygen Training Kit


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