Some of you may remember Turbo being attacked by my neighbors GSD's.
They "tightened up" their big bad worthless sack of crap of an electric fence and that was it. I pretty much just avoided the dog's. There is no animal control here in the county. No leash laws or anything. There is *something* about viscous dog's, but it is stupid and worthless, too.
It's been about 2 years, and I hadn't had any more problems. I guess I got too relaxed. No. I know I got too relaxed. As long as you didn't get within 20 or so feet, they weren't going to come that far out of the fence. Turbo isn't dumb. I don't have to worry about him going in their yard. He knows what they're about.
I let it go. Shouldn't have, shouldn't have shouldn't have!
Today.....Our power was out. You can see where this is headed. We've been getting pummeled with weather. The lack of power and their electric fence never popped into my head today as Koen, Turbo, and I went out to play after work.
I didn't even know they were outside. We were down on the north end of my lawn. That's the end close to them, but there is an empty lot in between us. For the past year or so they have just laid there and watched us play. It's not like they are actively trying to kill us every time we go out.
Back to today. We weren't outside for 30 seconds. I hear a dog screaming it's lungs out. One has left it's yard to go attack another dog that I've never seen before. It drags that poor back into it's yard. Next thing I know, the other one has Turbo wadded up in our yard. I don't really know what happened after that.
I told Koen to stay put, and went to try and save my dog. He ended up being drug back into their yard, and accidentally running even deeper one of the times he got away. The GSD's kept swapping back and forth between the stray and Turbo. At one point they were both on Turbo. He get away and was headed out of their yard and was tackled again. He was screaming so loud. I could not get my hands on those damn dog's. And who thinks about carrying a gun into THEIR OWN LAWN when they go to play with their kid and dog? Not me.
It was like a bad dream. One of those dreams where no matter how hard you try, you can't run fast enough. You can't punch or kick hard enough. Your voice can't get loud enough.
Somehow Turbo gets away, and I am able to block the GSD's so he can make his escape.
My heart sinks because this is what I see.
I'm waiting on the blood to start pouring. We are in for a long night, and painful surgery.
Would you believe he didn't have a hole in him? Not a one. That blood is either from the stray, who did leave, not to be found, with injury. Or from the mouth of one of the GSD's that the cop said was tore up.
The cop told me there was nothing he could do. Until next time. WTF. The joys of living out of the county. I'm sure I could sue or something, but I don't have money to tie up in litigation. I don't know what to do other than make sure their dog's don't survive the next attack. Pisses me off every time I say "next".
They told the cop they were going to chain them up from now on. I don't like chaining a dog out, but also don't really care about their welfare at the moment. I'm not buying them a fence, so don't really care so long as they are physically restrained. Not magically by collars that do squat.
I will be a thorn in their ass from now on. I'll call every time they so much as whimper. If I get a whiff of their crap, they will hear about it. They are going to fix it this time.
It's my fault for letting it go the first time.