I haven't trained this, although I've had a couple dogs that just naturally did it, but I'd give this a try. Break it down step by step; first I'm going to assume the dog has a solid retrieve, and understands how to do scent discrimination with your scent. If not, I have an article on how I teach this on my website at
http://www.dantero.com/retrieve.php. If they know how to do scent discrimination, then you just need to teach them the concept of doing it with someone else's scent that you have indicated to them. Kind of like teaching tracking, most people teach the basic concept with tracks they lay themselves, and then they introduce other people's tracks.
These are the behaviors I'd look for. In each step I'd start with the dog sitting by me. I would also only use an item once, so the dog isn't cuing in on its own scent, or your scent, after the first retrieve. Since the whole point is "retrieve based on someone else's sent", this is VERY important. Once you or the dog touches the item, it is not used again in that session. In each step you do what you need to do so the dog is successful, i.e. go with them at first, repeat commands, whatever but you don't proceed to the next step until the current one is solid, i.e. can be done with a single command, without your help. It's also best if whatever step you are currently on, you do a few of the step before it when you start your session first, to "warm up", then move to the step you are working on.
Someone else shows the dog an item, teases a little if needed, puts it down on the ground within visual distance, you tell dog to retrieve the item.
Someone shows them an item then "hides" it, while dog is watching. Easy hide, like behind a bucket, rock, etc.
Someone shows them an item, hides it (still easy hides), turn the dog around so they break the visual contact with the hide location, then turn back and send the dog to retrieve it.
At this point I'd introduce having the dog scent a second item, then go all the way back to the beginning. I wouldn't introduce having the dog sent the item right away; I want to make sure they will retrieve something I didn't throw first, without confusing the issue with an intermediary (the scenting) step. I would also try to do these steps with multiple people so they don't just learn to fetch things with "John's scent".
I'd start making the hides a little harder, until the dog is reliably searching for and finding the scented item in reasonably difficult hides.
Then I would start introducing having other items near the retrieve item. Starting with items the dog is less likely to pick up, i.e. the retrieve item is a handkerchief, and then I might have someone else put some rocks or chunks of wood around it. Once the dog is solid on this, then I'd start having someone add similar items, until they were putting the same item around the scented item.
Anyone got any intermediate steps they might add, or tweaks to the steps I gave?