Well. Here's the low down short and sweet. No need for all the details.
A guy who had a malinois that many told stories of being trained to a very high calibur. This guys methoods is to teach defense first so he trusts no one and then once aggresive. Hold his mouth and let certain people touch the dog letting it know its ok.
Well, he started to get a little rough with my pup explaining he's to friendly and that at 4months his dog would lunge at you if you.
My dog started whining and trying to run away. He explains that if I keep this up he won't be so friendly to strangers. Then with discipline you can make him mind his manners.
Well, I do like I normally do and bring my dog out in the public. That particular day (day before yesterday) I saw something I DIDN'T like at all.
He's never seen other dogs before. My reasons being that I haven't had all of his shots until a few weeks ago and I wanted them to kick in. No parvo or other pathogens are going to get the best of my dog. Anyhow, he's seen my neighbors little mutt dog and he sort of bounced around and barked. Well, he saw the mastiff and was spooked. The mastiff was so lethargic I was amazed the thing would actually just stand there for the time he did.
Eventually he would go up and smell the mastiff then look around at all the poeple.
The guy with the mastiff was hugging on my dog and petting him and allowing the dog to lick his face and have his paws in his lap and such. Then he kept petting the dog and he went on his back and curled his tail between his legs. and the guy kept petting him. I sort of pulled on the lead to get the dog to get up. Another person came to pet it but I told them not to touch the dog if its on its back. They agreed and the other guy apologized.
OK, the questions.....
1. Why the hell did my dog cower like this? Is it b/c of the encounter with the guy that made him yelp and rough handle him?
2. What extent and time limit should I allow my dog to be touched? I find it VERY disturbing to have people hugging and alowing my dog to lick their face, and just all over other and total strangers (kids being the exception, I couldn't care less if a kid hugged on him)...
The conclusion.
I think from this day forward if you want to touch my dog, I give him a word, "okay", then you pet him on his back (on top of the head of dominance from a stranger I heard several times) for a few pats and that's it. No baby talk to my dog, no loving onmy dog, none of this... Am I a little irate and far fetched now or does this seem realistic? This is going to be a personal protection dog that should mind strangers brought into the house or in public but will NOT seek them out for love and licks.
Maybe, don't let them pet the dog besides kids. As long as he's in the public looking at people and not going nutty, he is being socialized in how normal behavior of humans are. Therefore, will be fine if they don't love on him. The baby sweet talking is a no no to me. Sweet talk a dog into allowing it to rob your house or steal your vehicle, no not happening.
Sorry for the rant. I am just a bit frustrated. I want the best for my dog. I spend hours walking him in buildings, in public and to have him exploited doesn't sit well with me. That is, if the publics actions are actually ruining my dog.
And what about this guy who roughly handled the dog telling me that he needs to learn to not trust everyone. Otherwise as an adult this dog will love every stranger, thief, or assailant...