Well people I met Willie on video on FB today and I have a list of things to work on.....this is getting very exciting in the sense that I feel that I am doing something to help Ziva, actually I am doing something to understand her and act accordignly for her to grow up nicely. More and more we talk the light seems brighter and brighter.
howe work for the week starting today:
- Ziva is still in bootcamp
- keep the 3 to 4 walks a day but take a tug rope with a ball attached to it that I have on walk a) this is her first reward for her being in bootcamp and being so good about it. b) this will practice the "drop" and weaning her from taking the leash as we walk. *Did it for the first time tonight on our last walk of the day, she was soooooo happy BUT I think it got her also very excited....Willie had suggested to do it the entire walk but I put it away with the "out" command that we have been doing for the past 2 weeks here with toys, so she could be calm when we would return home. It went very well indeed.
- I made a change in the feeding schedule / walk. I use to walk her first and then feed her, but then I had to take her out for potty more often as she was fussing in the crate. I now feed her and then walk her and it is easier to control the potty business and I find that she rest better, not as much fussing.
- Tomorrow or Monday we will do the Volhard modified test
- In a few days we will start to load the mark
- We'll introduce play time into the program
- Preparing my husband to stay out of the program for a while....I got a nice bottle of wine waiting for that, also upon Willie's suggestion lol
- She told me how to correct a growl if that happens
- In case that Ziva would take possession of the laudry room where she is now fed a) try to change the area once in a while b) have her on a tab leash and greet her with a nice meaty treat when I go get her, while she eats that I take the tab, take her away from the area, clip the leash on her and give her an other meaty treat. Like that she will prefere leave her bowl for the treat as they are more interesting. So you can understand this the laundry room is seperated from the house, attached to the garage with a space between the house and the garage the width of a car. At first Willie wanted me to lure Ziva from the laundry room to the crate without leashing her but we can't do that as she could run in the street. Anyways now we will go walking from there.
I suppose Willie will read this and verify if I am on track and if I did not forget anything.....Lots and lots to think about but I feel totaly up to the challenge and Ziva is responding very well so far to every single changes we have made in her life......Keep your paws cross!!!
it is 9 p.m. here I am off to watch a movie.
Enjoy the rest of the day and will continue updating