i'm one of those from the "i support the troops, not the reason they're there" camp. i didn't like saddam, or the things i was told about him, despite the fact i took it all with a grain of salt. i'm glad he's gone, just not comfortable with the way it was done. we (as the west, i'm not an american, but my home country of australia is irrevocably involved in this mess too) made complete asses of ourselves.
we, like it or not, did invade a country under false pretenses. colin powell's political career is probably permanently hosed from his involvement in it. it's my personal fear that with iraq all we've done is given the asshole terrorists out there a great "i told you so" to recruit more impressionable idiots. think about it, you're saddam. you've got the kurds, as well as being surrounded by unfriendlies. you may or may not have managed to pick up some nukes or any other "WMD". what on earth would you gain by pointing it at a country that probably posesses a thousand times as much firepower, which is amplified a million times considering that your piss-ant country is smaller than the size of (off the top of my head, i sure hope i'm right!) at least on of their states.
i come from a military family. i have the deepest gratitude for your service and your dog's, wherever your commander decided to put you. i weep for the lives that we've lost, that we're losing, and i weep for the fact that it's not going to stop any time soon. i've noticed in the last couple of weeks a greater number of "leftist" news channels calling iraq a civil war. i'm not an expert of what the exact situation is there, but as an armchair military strategist i suspect that the real action will begin when we leave. five months or five years from now, iraq will probably errupt the moment we leave.
the reason? in my opinion, we took a god-forsaken shithole off of one group of bloodthirsty bastards, and handed it over to another group of bloodthirsty bastards. despite the fact that they share the same religion, don't expect them to forget what happened a in the past. maybe one day they'll all get along, but they have to want it, we can't tell 'em it's a good idea.
and respectfully to mr brignone, who thinks that the lack of prayer in schools is to blame for the USA's woes, and that it's not what the founding fathers had in mind - did you forget about jefferson? saying that the troops are defending "our god" is a great way to ramp up terrorist recruiting (crusades anyone?) and a great way to divide this country up.
again, i thank from the deepest part of my heart the troops who have served their countries, anywhere on the planet, to better my way of life. i don't have to support the men who put you there, or the reasons they had for doing it.