I have never heard or read so much rubbish as is printed on this Thread,
I think you people in charge of it have to put your two pence worth in a lot of times when its not called for,
I for one enjoy the site but it seems to me that we will have to scutinize every word we put to print or we will be for the high jump with one of the Moderators or Management and this does not sit well with me at all,
Fairness is the name of the game, If the Management had been a little more diplomatic just to ask Doug, who i cannot see is being vindictive at all, including all of the posters Including Will, to just sort it out in Private Mails if they have any problem with a post
This time i am not Pronged i stay free of my own free will, I do not need to read stuff such is printed on this thread, Management and Mods have Got there Knickers in a Twist over nothing and its not very pleasant at all,
Of course you do not need the likes of Myself on this Forum there will be another one to take my place But i do forsee in the future a decline, if posters cannot have there say without getting a reprimand from some people
By the Way Ed, We can all raise our voice and be blunt thats the easy way out, But i for one never bow down to those sort of ways, Not in writing and more so in real Life
Comments edited in by Ed:
Steve - there have been multiple PM's sent here of which you are not privy to. At some point we need to draw a line in the sand to being civil and this is an important part of my board. There are plenty of places people can go and tear the ass hole out of someone else - but it's not here.
No one forces anyone to post to my board. But I do expect people to be reasonably polite.
I also will not allow people to post training information that we know to be outdated or wrong. We will always step in and stop bad information from being recommended to a new trainer and if this bothers you - well you need to not read the forum. I dare say that between myself, Cindy and the other moderators we have over 100 years of combined experience in training dogs. We also continue to expand on our knowledge of dogs training (i.e. in the last two weeks I have been to a 5 day bomb/narcotic dog seminar and a weekend puppy agility dog seminar) I learned a lot from both.
This forum is not a personal private forum for people to pontificate old school or bad training - just because they subscribe to it. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion on dog training but they are NOT WELCOME TO COME TO MY WEB FORUM and insult people or pass out inaccurate, old school, or stupid advice.
Maybe you misunderstood the purpose for my forum. It's not to allow you to voice your OPINIONS ON DOG TRAINING (lets not forget you have very little experience in this field) - it most certainly is not that. It's to allow people to ask questions on dog training and get the correct answers
I hope this clears things up for you.