Hee hee. Brad, you obviously didn't heed the warning (page 19 in my book): "CAUTION: Do not put the Einstein E-Collar receiver on a human being."
However, your working level sounds close to Bob's. He tossed it at 13.
Said it's more of a sensation than an actual shock though. Sounds good to me.
Oh, and the whole splicer/charger thing. Greg, from Einstein, responded to my email right away, said what the extra piece should look like and asked me to take another look. If it wasn't there, he'd send one immediately. It was there.
Great company to deal with.
And as far as the equipment, I'm in love!! The texture of the collar feels like it's really comfortable for them. Changed to the longer nodes (included) and they feel just like the dogtra's when I put my hand in there to feel the connection.
Unfortunately, (or fortunately) I didn't have the need to even test out the vibrate on the boys (which I tested out on myself and it's very similar to the dogtra's). They would get it and there was just no need. I've used e-collars long enough and the boys are so familiar with them, I don't think there's going to be any additional training for them. I felt comfortable locking them in at 25 and 30 and just had it set to vibrate.
Bob and the tester light responded well for about an hour of training for me. Feel totally comfortable with switching between the two dogs and using all the functions.
And the light. OMG the light!! Purposely did an evening hike tonight. It was funny. We're out in the woods and it was getting pretty dark. Bob was up ahead with Echo and I turned on his flasher. He was a bit startled when Echo's light went on and he said… "Hey, no way. You can actually do that from there?” Yup dear, I can.
It never came up when we were playing and he thought I had to manually turn them on.
Played around with them for a bit and then left them on full (gotta run the battery out the first few times anyways). Bright, bright.
When we were loading them to head home Bob got the two big boys in as I loaded Garrett and he said, I didn't even worry about turning them out, knew you could do it.
Sounds simple but when you're dealing with lighting up and turning off three dogs, it's a pretty big part of the process, Especially when you're driving, you can't have lights on in the back. (We've had to pull over a couple of times because someone wasn't turned off properly).
And my neck barely noticed the weight of the stop watchy thing. This is kind of silly too but I've got a lot of pockets on my winter wear, none of which I would feel comfortable putting a transmitter in, simply for the quick access.
They've always hung near my stomach area, in easy hand reach, available at a moment's notice. But they tend to swing a bit when you’re hiking.
Well as I'm walking along, it was getting up a pretty good swing. I put my hand on it, as usual, to slow "it" down, (not two) and felt the outer snaps on my zippered jacket. There's about an inch flap on this jacket and the transmitter fit in between two of these snaps perfectly, just a tad up from ANY pressure on my neck. (Not something I could even think about with the chocolate bars). I barely knew it was there.
We almost felt a bit spoiled but absolutely thrilled with the new equipment. Did I say how much I love this unit yet?
Awesome product.