Sorry, Leerburg no longer offers the Silver Shade Mesh Tarp.
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Key Features

  • Deflects heat
  • Mildew resistant
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to use and clean
  • Made in the USA

Product Description

Before you read the description of our shade mesh I need to point out that there are a number of different qualities of these mesh shades. The ones we chose to sell are the best available. Our shades have 3 times the reflective material of lessor quality shades from India and China that are sold by competitors (like Chewy). We chose to sell the highest quality we could buy.

Ed Frawley

Deflect Heat Away! Enjoy breeze! Reduce Heat Build Up!

Conventional shade tents and canopies absorb the sun's rays and generate heat that is trapped underneath, heating the area you are trying to shade. Silver Shade Mesh acts like a mirror reflecting away the sun and it's heat while you enjoy any available cooling breeze through the mesh fabric. It is durable, lightweight, easy to use, rot/mildew resistant, does not run or unravel, washes with a garden hose and is cooler than shade!

We use the highest grade reflective shade fabric manufactured (70%) with superior quality polypropylene finished edge bindings - not stiff plastic bindings that unravel. Our rolled-rim toothed grommets are set in heat cut holes to insure lifelong hold, with 12" spacing that improve convenience, enhance tarp strength, and match-up easily with other tarps.

The Silver Shade fabric is a knitted reflective thermal screen made from metalized (reflective) HDPE (High-density polyethylene) that has been treated for uv ray protection.

Becoming a huge favorite with dog trainers who attend outdoor competitions and trials!

Perfect for use with any of our crates!

5 stars
Based on 2 reviews

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4 stars
May 02, 2014
The first time I saw this product was on the open tailgate of a mini-van. The sun was blazing down on the vehicle but as soon as you stepped behind the shade mesh there was an immediate temperature drop. I use this tarp to drape over my entire vehicle and it stays considerably cooler.
4 stars
June 30, 2013
I purchased one of the silver shade mesh tarps in size 10 X 14ft. It is INCREDIBLE> I took my dog to a trial, and we had to park in the full sun, middle of summer. My dogs were in the crates in the car with no fans. I have to tell you, after I put the tarp on the SUV, it stayed amazingly COOL. It was so cool in the car, I was amazed. The dogs and I were both comfortable throughout the whole day. I put the tarp over the car and hung it down on the sides facing the sun (front and sides, so I could leave the back open). I have also used it with our larger sedan, just left the windows open hung the tarp over the top and sunfacing side. To keep it in place I just slammed the edges in the doors. It stayed put. I did use a cheap reflector for the front window of the sedan only, but could easily do without it. It was wonderful. I would never have dared to leave the dogs inside the car in full sun, but with this item, I never hesitate. IT WORKS> If you have any apprehension about buying this for your crates or car, do not worry, it does what it says it does, keeps the car cool.. it is worth EVERY bit of the cost... It has become an indispensible item when traveling with dogs.
5 star rating
2 reviews (Write a review)

Silver Shade Mesh Tarp

Sorry, Leerburg no longer offers the Silver Shade Mesh Tarp.

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