Conditioning Your Puppy for Nail Trimming
Conditioning any dog to get their nails trimmed is a simple thing to do if we use markers and have a little patience.
When dogs are not properly conditioned to trimming nails, they often hate the experience. It becomes a seriously troubling experience for the dog. One would believe the dog thought we were were going to amputate their leg by the way they acted and carried on. Many times these dog owners are forced to take the dog to their vet or groomer to get it done.
Rather than use nail clippers, we prefer to use a dremel tool to grind the nails. We begin by getting our dog on a table (our dogs love to get up on their Klimb table) and turning the dremel on with the goal being that the dog relaxes when they hear it. You will watch Cindy turn her dremel on, mark and reward Meru. She will continue to do this until she is convinced that Meru associates the sound of the dremel with getting a reward.
Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months is being remastered and will be released fall of 2019.