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Key Features
- Released 2024
- Runtime: 3 hrs, 50 min
- Best practices for food reward training
- Makes training fun and rewarding
Product Description
I produced my first dog training DVD in 1982, I didn't produced a DVD on training dogs with food until 2007. We eventually turned the information in that 2 hour DVD into a video stream and followed by an online course (both with 2 hours of content). The information in those projects was good then and is still good today. The problem is we have learned a lot about training with food rewards in 17 years (since we did that first DVD). That course needed to be redone with the additional information. The fact is I should have done this 10 years ago, we just didn't have the time.
This new 2024 stream has 4 hours of content, Vs the old 2007 - 2 hour stream.
One of the benefits of learning to use food rewards in your training is you will end up with a dog that loves to train, in fact, most will challenge you to take them out to train. This is very different from what I experienced back in the 1960s and 1970s.
Learning to train dogs with food is a journey. It's not the end of your training, it should be the beginning. You will use this information for the rest of your dog's life. In the end, it is going to make you a much better dog trainer. If you scroll to the bottom of this page you will see a detailed outline of the new material.
- Chapter 1: Reward Based Training
- A Note From Ed
- Building Your K-9 Communication System
- Terminology
- Engagement
- Chapter 2: Marker Training Using Food Rewards
- Selecting the Right Food Reward
- Who Needs a Bait Bag - You do!
- Does Your Dog Want to Train Today?
- Timing Reward Delivery
- Reward Delivery
- Continuous Reinforcement
- Training the Collar Grab
- Building and Managing Food Drives
- Short Training Sessions
- Food Rewards v Toy Rewards
- Chapter 3: Rate of Reinforcement & Reward Events
- Cindy Demonstrates Rate of Reinforcement
- Chapter 4: Luring is a Tool
- What is Luring?
- Luring with and without the dog
- Foot Targets
- Food Chase Games
- Call Back & Call Aways
- Lure v Gesture v Hand Signal
- Fading the Lure
- Hand Touch Game
- Restrained Recalls
- Food Toss Game
- Chapter 5: Understanding Spatial Pressure
- What is Spatial Pressure
- Teaching the Sit
- Using Platform to Condition Handling
- Teaching the Down and Stand
- Chapter 6: Adding Verbal Command
- Chapter 7: Weaning Dogs Off Food Rewards
- The Limits to Continuous Reinforcement
- Switching to Variable & Random Reinforcement
- Chapter 8: Where to Go From Here
- Ask Cindy

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