Reviews (1)

Key Features

Product Description

This muzzle is a made of a molded heavy duty flexible plastic . It is not a hard plastic like a wire. muzzle would be. It has three straps to improve security. A three strap muzzles will always stay on the dog better than a simple two strap muzzle. This muzzle has a loop on the bottom of the muzzle (under the dogs jaw) that can be attached to the dogs collar with a snap or clip. The clip is not sold with the muzzle.

A sturdy plastic muzzle like this offers better protection than the rubber Baskerville muzzles we used to sell. Dogs can still bite thru a Baskerville muzzle. While the bite would not leave puncture wounds they can still get pinched and hirt. That is less likely to happen with this styple of muzzle. We cannot recommend Baskerville muzzles, we no longer sell them.

Keep in mind that you must properly measure and size any muzzle to insure a safe and secure fit. Do not underestimate how important proper sizing is. There are a number of facebook groups that promote inaccurate advice on sizing muzzles. The risk in over sizing a muzzle is the dog can get the muzzle off when it wants it off. That's very dangerous with a seriously reactive dog. We offer a free video on how to measure your dog for a muzzle. Watch it before ordering.

40% of the muzzles we sell are returned because customers make mistakes in measuring their dogs for a muzzle. We stock 60 different styles and sizes of muzzles, selecting the right one for your dog is on of the hardest thing you may have to do for your dog.

We will gladly exchange a muzzle for a different size but we cannot pay shipping on muzzle returns and exchanges. We hate to have to take this position but the number of returns has forced this policy. So take the time it takes to do a good job measuring your dog the way we tell you too - not the way these FB groups tell you how to size muzzles.

We do everything we can to help customers determine what size muzzle to order. We have produced a streaming video (HOW TO MEASURE YOUR DOG FOR A MUZZLE) and we are happy to offer phone consultation.

Even with all of this help, it can still be difficult to pick the correct size. The only fool-proof way of not making a mistake is to either bring the dog to our office or do the best you can with measurements and order several different sizes, then return the muzzles that don't fit. With luck, you should end up with the correct size muzzle. The only downside to this approach is you will have to pay shipping charges to return the muzzles that didn't fit your dog.

If you still need help after reviewing our sizing video and charts, call our office at (715) 235-6502. We are open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.

Customers who have purchased a Leerburg muzzle have FREE access to CONDITIONING YOUR DOG TO A MUZZLE This course contains 31 short videos that explain using reward based training methods to condition a dog a to like wearing a muzzle.

How to Measure Your Dog for a Muzzle

Leerburg's Everyday Basket Muzzle

This muzzle provides maximum safety to others as well as comfort for your dog. The material is extremely tough and durable, yet soft to touch. The neck strap and 3rd/forehead strap are completely adjustable to provide a custom and secure fit. The loop at the bottom is designed to attach to your dog’s regular collar which should ensure that even a canine Houdini cannot escape. Leerburg's Everyday Basket Muzzle also has secure metal buckles and pre-holed webbing, to ensure it is quick and easy to fit. There is neoprene padding on the straps as well to provide maximum comfort. As welfare is always paramount, the dog can pant, drink and eat through this revolutionary muzzle, which comes in six sizes to fit most dogs.

Additional Resources

For help in learning how to size your dog for a muzzle, we have an instructional video here and a written article here that go into greater detail.


There are a few things you need to know about sizing a muzzle for your dog:

  1. The muzzle should not touch the front of your dog's nose or snout the best option is to select a size 1/2 inches longer than the nose length. If the muzzle is too long, it will be pushed back on the dog's face and obstruct their line of vision.
  2. The muzzle's circumference must be larger than your dog's "nose or snout circumference." We recommend between one and three inches larger around than your dog's muzzle circumference measurement. If the muzzle is the exact same size as your dog's nose circumference, the dog won't be able to pant. It is very important that you give your dog enough room to pant while wearing the muzzle.
  3. In addition to length and circumference, owners of some breeds (i.e. the bully breeds or flat faced breeds) need to consider the width of their dog's jaw. It is easy to pick a muzzle size with the correct length but the muzzle may not be wide enough to fit the width of the jaw. Call or email our office if you have one of these breeds and need help.

Sizing Chart (inches)

This muzzle is bendable/pliable so width may adjust some.

Muzzle Size Muzzle Length Muzzle Circumference Muzzle Width Muzzle Height

Due to the muzzle shape and size of some breeds, it is not recommended that those breeds use Leerburg's Everyday Basket Muzzle, as it will not fit them correctly. These breeds include: Boston Terrier, Bulldog, King Charles Spaniel, Lhasa Apso, Pekingese, St Bernard, Pug, and the Shih Tzu.


There are several Facebook groups run by well-intentioned people who are telling dog owners to get these HUGE HUGE Muzzles. These folks claim these monster muzzles allow a dog room to pant. This advice is 100% incorrect. These huge muzzles come off too easily. If you have an aggressive or reactive dog, the last thing you want is for a muzzle to accidentally come off.

These people claim that monster size muzzles allow a dog more room to pant. They are 100% wrong. This is dangerous advice, especially if someone has an aggressive or reactive dog. The last thing these people want or need is for a muzzle to come off their dog when it is needed the most. Our advice is to be very careful about listening to people who lack experience with aggressive dogs.

5 stars
Based on 1 review

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4 stars
Verified Purchase
February 06, 2024
I have an adult female who hates another adult female in our "pack". She will act "nice" when I am looking, but will try to nip when I'm not looking. Jealousy. Got this muzzle from Leerburg. Allows me to exercise all three of my canines at the same time, instead of crating one of the two combatants. I am still of the belief that, eventually, they will grow to like each other . . . but, until then . . .
5 star rating
1 review (Write a review)

Leerburg's Heavy Duty 3-Strap Basket Muzzle

$19.80 - $38.50
Select Size:
Size 1 - 2 x 8.5
Size 2 - 2.25 x 10.25
Size 3 - 2.75 x 11
Size 4 - 3 x 12.5
Size 5 - 3.75 x 14.25
Size 6 - 4 x 16.5
Select Color:

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