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Key Features
- Release 2024
- Runtime: 3 hours, 57 minutes
- Best practices for marker training
- Enhance your bond through reward-based training sessions
Product Description
Marker training came to the world of dog training back in 1993. Before that point dogs were trained in the “yank and crank” system of dog training. Basically the William Kohler style of avoidance training.
Our new DVD on The Power of Training Dogs with Markers was released in 2024. Back in 2005 Ed Frawley, the owner of Leerburg, released his first DVD on the subject of Markers and Reward Based Training (also called clicker training).
While the conceptual information in that old DVD is still accurate today, the past 20 years have seen our knowledge of how to apply markers and reward-based training become the gold standard on dog training.
When the concepts in this course become the foundation of a training program we see the relationship between dogs and handlers improve and our dogs look forward to our training sessions because training becomes fun.
In this DVD, you will learn what marker training is, how to build a marker system, and how to apply that system to rewards and corrections of your dog's behavior. Markers are a powerful communication system and you only need your voice to use it with your dog. This DVD will teach you the foundations of what markers are, how to use them with various rewards, durations, and locations, and how to apply them to more advanced training behaviors. Understanding the power of markers is the foundation of all of Leerburg's dog training.
- Chapter 1: What is Marker Training?
- A Note From Ed
- Meet Ed Frawley
- What is Marker Training?
- The 5 Core Words of Marker Training
- Keys to the Marker Kingdom - Timing
- Conditioning The Mark
- The Mechanics of Reward Delivery
- Why Yes Must Be a Release
- Duration Marks
- Neutral Releases That Are Not Rewarded
- Negative Markers
- Your Voice is a Powerful Tool
- Chapter 2: Using Food Rewards
- Food Drive
- The Size and Color of Your Food Rewards
- Movement Builds Drive
- Reward Placement
- Create a Reward Event
- Food vs Toy Rewards
- Weaning Dogs Off Continuous Rewards
- Chapter 3: Advanced Marker Training
- Marker Train a Friend
- Remote Rewards
- Don't Name it Until You Love It
- Training the Look
- Handling Exercises Using Markers and Platforms
- Training Hand Touch
- Dominant & Aggressive Dogs
- Chapter 4: Where to Go From Here
- Ask Cindy

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