Bernhard Flinks Puppy Test Evaluation for Police or Sport Dogs

In the early 80s, I became interested in testing puppies to evaluate their potential to be working dogs. In 1985, I began filming some of these tests. I went on to produce a video titled Bite Training Puppies which included the results of this testing process. The first 45 minutes of that video shows how to do these tests.

Now, many years later, I have been sent a puppy evaluation from a friend in Germany (Bernhard Flinks). I am pleased to say that the tests that are used by Bernhard are identical to the testing shown in my video. Bernhard has made up a worksheet to score the puppies. I did not go into this much detail, but I have included the information for you to test puppies for police service or protection sports.

Test 1 - Exploring the Room

  1. Immediately explores, relaxed body posture, behaves confidently.
  2. Explores after short hesitation, but then confidently.
  3. Explores only after extended period, tense body posture, careful.
  4. Almost does not explore, very careful.
  5. Does not explore at all, clear signs of fear.

Test 2 - Coming to a Stranger

  1. Comes immediately and confidently up to the person, head and body posture confident.
  2. Comes immediately but somewhat guarded in the last stretch, head and body posture slightly tense.
  3. Comes after a short time, somewhat guarded, head and body posture clearly tense.
  4. Comes, but with clear signs of fear.
  5. Does not come, clearly afraid.

Test 3 - Retrieve Test by Rolling a Ball

  1. Immediately chases ball, takes ball in mouth and carries it, good speed.
  2. Immediately chases ball, first smells and then takes ball in mouth, speed OK.
  3. Hesitantly walks after ball, but takes ball in mouth, carries.
  4. Hesitantly walks after ball, smells it, does not pick up.
  5. Does not follow ball.
  6. Clearly afraid.

Test 4 - Coming to Two Strangers

  1. Comes immediately and confidently up to the persons, head and body posture confident.
  2. Comes immediately but somewhat guarded in the last stretch, head and body posture slightly tense.
  3. Comes after a short time, somewhat guarded, head and body posture clearly tense.
  4. Comes, but with clear signs of fear.
  5. Does not come, clearly shows fear.

Test 5 - Paw Pressure

  1. Allows it calmly and confidently (positive)
  2. Defends himself energetically and aggressively (positive)
  3. Pulls briefly, then allows it calmly and confidently.
  4. Shows unsureness and clear inhibition, tries to free himself.
  5. Panicky behavior, clear fear.

Test 6 - Laying on Back

  1. Lies confidently and relaxed, legs and paws are relaxed (positive)
  2. Turns energetically and confidently, eventually becomes aggressive (positive)
  3. Lies calmly, but tense, legs and paws are stiff.
  4. Shows clear signs of fear.
  5. Panicky behavior, urinates.

Test 7 - Noise

  1. Not frightened and inspects the bucket.
  2. Briefly startled and inspects the bucket.
  3. Frightened and inspects the bucket only after quite some time.
  4. Clearly frightened and avoids the bucket.
  5. Clearly shows fear.

Test 8 - Small Empty Box

  1. Chases fully committed, immediately takes in mouth, fights.
  2. Chases, takes in mouth.
  3. Chases after short motivation, takes in mouth.
  4. Only chases after quite some time, takes in mouth.
  5. Chases, does not take in mouth.
  6. Does not chase.

Test 9 - Make The Box Interesting, Then Pulling the Box Up (Nerves)

  1. Watches the box for a long time (more than 5 seconds) without letting himself be distracted.
  2. Watches the box briefly, then jumps and barks at the box.
  3. Watches the box briefly, becomes distracted and then watches the box again.
  4. Watches the box only briefly, then is no longer interested

View the Selection Testing Scoresheet ยป

About Author
Ed Frawley
Ed Frawley is the founder of Leerburg. He has been training dogs since the 1950s. For 30 years, Ed bred working bloodline German Shepherds and has produced over 350 litters. During this time, Ed began recording dog training videos and soon grew an interest in police service dogs. His narcotic dogs have been involved in over 1,000 narcotics searches resulting in hundreds of arrests in the state of Wisconsin. Ed now solely focuses on producing dog training courses with renowned dog trainers nationwide. If you want to learn more about Ed, read about his history here.


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