So I've been reading like crazy the last few days and a few more questions have popped up for me. I keep reading that we shouldn't let our dogs play with "strange" dogs or be touched by "strange" people. Okay, makes sense. If I had a child and started dating someone (don't worry hubby, we're fine )I wouldn't introduce them unless I was sure they'd be around for the long-term. I figure that's the same type of protocol that one would follow? There are certain friends I consider family etc. who I would feel comfortable allowing to pet my dogs etc. Am I overanylizing or maybe I should just calm down about it and focus on working on my dogs recall
Well, Cito (the Ibizan) is a total people lover. He wants to lick everyone, dances around people that he just meets, and adores attention. I'd like him to relax and be less interested in people. Loki (the lab mix) doesn't really care about anyone other than me and my husband.
However, I'm a little concerned about the way he reacts to new people coming in the house. He doesn't bark but is a bit suspicious and does NOT want to be touched by anyone he doesn't know. I know we've made some mistakes, i.e. not always feeding our individual dogs (we've corrected that) not being as consistant as we should with training (we're in the process of correcting that) and allowing lots of people to pet the dogs (we're correcting that too). Also, prior to just about a month ago we had two roommates and alot of coming and going in the house. Therefore we were not able to control as much of who the dogs were exposed to as we would have liked.
For instance, our one roommate dropped by with a friend to change and go play golf. Neither my husband nor I were there and when the friend (who has never been at the house) tried to walk through the door Loki would not let him. According to our roommate all his hackles on his shoulders were up, his teeth bared and he was growling and barking. The only reason I could think of for that response was simply that he didn't view the roommate as a pack member and refused to allow someone he didn't know in the house without me or my husband there. Am I on the right track or misreading things?
I realize I went off track a little bit here but I want to add that when my husband and I introduce the dogs to anyone coming into the house we simply allow the dogs to sniff until they're comfortable and then send them to their places.
Edited by Dvijapatni Malovic (10/05/2007 12:42 PM)
Edit reason: off track
Connie Sutherland Moderator Reg: 07-13-2005
Posts: 31573
Loc: North-Central coast of California
So now no one has access to your home unless you or your husband invites them? No more housemates?
QUOTE: I'm a little concerned about the way he reacts to new people coming in the house. He doesn't bark but is a bit suspicious and does NOT want to be touched by anyone he doesn't know. END
I have one who never wants to be touched by anyone but me, and I am fine with respecting that. He would tolerate it (uncomfortably), but I think "Why should he?"
good point. Glad to say he doesn't jump on anyone but he does dance and nudge. I'll definitely start with teaching him to sit when someone comes to the door. They both sit prior to walking through doors when with me and my husband so it shouldn't be too far a stretch:-). Do you think I was accurate in interpreting Loki's reaction to someone unknown coming in the house?
Connie Sutherland Moderator Reg: 07-13-2005
Posts: 31573
Loc: North-Central coast of California
Well, I want my dogs to accept people I invite in. They can dislike touching, and I won't make them submit to it if so. But is that what you mean? He is just aloof with strangers?
I guess I don't get why you're concerned. He's not aggressive, not barking?
To be honest I needed some reassurance that Loki really not liking being touched was okay. I'm still readjusting my thought process I suppose from thinking that a dog who is well socialized likes everyone, to understanding that it's fine for Loki to dislike or not want to be touched. I just want to make sure that I'm interpreting his behavior correctly and not reading too much into it or not understanding something I should be concerned about. Actually, he'll bark once in a while especially if someone tries to come up quickly. If we're out and just standing and talking to someone he'll stand quietly but if they try and touch him he'll look the opposite direction and ignore them...
Now I REALLY feel like a newbie!
Edited by Dvijapatni Malovic (10/05/2007 01:32 PM)
Edit reason: Posted too fast
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