Teaching a dog to counter is a very important aspect of the basic rag and tug work in the beginning part of the dogs training.
Very common in Ringsport to teach this and just about every other bite based sport I know of.
For myself it is more to simply teach the dog that when it does get a bite that it can take the bite deeper to gain the control over the prey object.
Control is what really a counter is to achieve. Better control and grip on the bite.
Teach the dog that if and I stress if the original bite was faulty there is only one counter. I have seen some new guys counter and counter over and over again and what they really are teaching then is for the dog to rebite and rebite and on and on.
Counter means to obtain the max depth of bite. For the dog to swallow the bite. To enter as deep as it can get. For as much tug sleve or suit to slam dunk into the rear of the dogs mouth.
A dog that has good counter skills is also a dog that can benefit from adding faster entry to the bite once he or she is old enough to be doing short distance attacks on a bungy cord of large diameter.
Most bungy that can be had at the local hardware shop simply does not cut it as a single strand.
300 feet cut into one, 200 hundred foot section folded in half and the last 100 feet with the now three lengths braided to form a single approx 100 foot bungy should do the job.
Begin the dog where your decoy in prey mode is beyond the 100 foot mark just enough to make the dog have to work the resistance in the last 30 feet or so of extention of the bungy to teach the dog that as it gets closer to the prey that the dog must put the after burners on to get in and bite.
If you spend the vast majority of the time once the dog is skilled to work away from you and bite with confidence with the bungy as a mainstay of the training then that day when he finally has to do the attack for real in trial or on the street the dog will instinctivly click the turbo switch several yards out and maximize the entry hit and then not need to counter as it will get max depth that is unless you have got a fast decoy or whatever and then the original counter will be valuable to assist the dog to regain the control it needs to continue the fight and win.
Oh and do not forget, attach the bungy to a very solid fixed object and never ever out or force the dog off the the bite while the bungy is maxed as the dog will be propelled back towards the handler and perhaps be hurt falling over itself.
The decoy must after the desired bite has been achieved from the tension must be released from this reverse tension by the decoy bringing the dog back so that the dog is not sling shoted off but in a normal position to perform the next task be it a recall or a guard.