I've been doing lots of research and have decided on a different approach to start with.
Connie..I will be asking for help for sure, thank you so verrrrry much for offering to help.
After seeing how much is involved in a 501 (c)(3), and realizing that I'm just a gal with an idea..I decided to go a bit slower at first.
The problem as far as the world is concerned is that I have no certifications......We all know here that the certifications that are offered are usually not worth it, but as far the rest of the world goes, they want a piece of paper.
I've not been training professionally for YEARS, and when I was, it was on a small scale due to my I don't have case histories and that sort of thing.
So, this is my new to friendly advice....
Start a nonprofit LLC for now.
Do a small "pilot" program for 4 or so people with PTSD.
Find some good local psychologists that want to work with me and the dogs.
Set the classes up in the way they are taught in the military.
Work it out so the first class goes for 6 months, and then move them up to an advanced class, and start 4 more students.
At the end of the year, I'll have 8 or so people that I can point to and show results for, I'll have psychiatrists that can say that they have worked with the organization and they support it because of the results, I'll have financial info for the year....its all stuff I will need to have to do anything serious, especially on a national level.
For fund raising, I will need help..anyone want to volunteer?
I had the idea to have people adopt a Veteran in the program. Soldiers Angels does this and I think its a great Idea.
It could also bypass some of the financial stuff...example..have someone buy a backpack system and ship it directly to us rather than donating money..same for the veterinarian fund for each animal, have money donated to an account at a certain vet's office.
I think that people might be more comfortable at first sending actual items that are needed, rather than just sending money out to the wild blue yonder.
I will need to find someone that will help with the financial accountability. I was thinking of asking some of the moderators here if they might be interested.
Again people are more likely to donate if there is a "board" of even a few people watching the money.
Thank you Mariellena, and Betty for the offer!!!!!
Also The first thing I would need money for is for the non-profit LLC business license.
Then to get the clicker training your own assistance dog DVD that Ed sells. I need to preview it to see if I can turn it into a curriculum for the classes, or if I would be better off using Ed's vids as a base.
I've already bought and am setting up a website for the organization.
If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them!!
Thanks for being so supportive!!!!!