I dont know if its my imagination and I am looking for trouble or all just temporary adjustments...so comments/advice please Leerburg family...I will try to be brief..
Had to leave my 6 month old GSD for 9 days. Left him with an older lovely,country couple who he knows and I know and who have 40 years in obedience training and judging. Very different set up to my house( I am city they are in the wilds) but he was inside and part of the house rather than kenneled, which was my only other option. I Left his schedule , food,toys, treats etc etc...plenty of instructions. He is a great dog, well...
I Picked him up yesterday and he seems to be a completely different dog. VERY jumpy, pulling away, doesnt particularly want to be petted, won't come anymore when called and keeps running to his kitchen crate and going in and sitting down in the corner. Just now I called him for a hug & kisses our morning ritual. He usually comes and rolls over etc, etc...hearbreakingly, he ran past me and was fighting to get into his crate and away from me...and I mean fighting....what's up with that? I ignored him, let him go in his crate with the door opened and carried on as if nothing happened, which is what I am doing now ....
I have done all the training with him so far and he was very obedient and responsive before. Should I be worried or is it just that the terrible 2's hit in the few days I was gone and this is coincidence? This isn't my first GSD but I never left the other one with anyone. Is it my imagination or is it just resettling? Seems 9 days wasnt long but then I am not him am I ...so comments please?
Apparently he has been entertaining, delightful, responsive and positvely the perfect model of willingness in my absence. I did notice when I got there that there were 2 boys about 10 and 12 who had been with him for a day and a half apparently. The comment was "they wore his ass out" he had great fun, he was chasing and nipping at them and he has got quite mouthy in a week..that horrified me,I havent allowed that AT ALL! However not much I could say...They also said he was allowed, while supervised, to chase cats and birds in their fenced yard and he was hilarious...something else that horrified me. I have tried to minimise all of that behavior, I live in suburbia. This morning on the leash he was a NIGHTMARE....skittish, jumpy and very nervy, stop, start, ahead behind...I just controled and kept moving at a good pace ignoring and rewarding the good bits...
He ate as usual, has pottied as usual, was quiet for 8 hours overnight and is a bit more settled at the moment, relaxing chewing hell out of his Kong...I am having a FIT though....I know whats in my mind to do but everyone here always has great comments so...Thanks in advance for the help, go easy with the ass chewing...I had to go and I thought he was with the best people...