April 15, 2011

We have two dogs, would it be safe to put the bark collar on our one dog even if the two of them are in their dog run together?

Full Question:

I have a question, I'm sorry if I got the wrong email address. I have two dogs, both almost 3, a Golden Retriever and a Great Pyrenees. The Golden doesn't bark at anything. He will be surrounded by barking dogs and not even turn his head. Our Pyrenees, however, will bark if the grass is too green or growing too quickly. They also don't play with each other a lot as our Pyrenees is much more laid back than our Golden and he gets bored with her and she tires of him. My question is, would it be safe to put the bark collar on our Pyrenees even if the two of them are in their dog run together, since they don't really wrestle a whole lot and she doesn't really get aggressive... ever?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I don’t like putting bark collars on dogs when they are confined together. The problem is that the one that barks may become aggressive with the other dog if they receive a correction. The dog sees something that elicits a bark, gets a correction and then may turn and bite who or whatever is closest. It’s called re-directed aggression and I don’t feel it’s worth risking. If they are in side by side kennels or separate yards, it’s fine but together I would say “no.”


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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