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Key Features
- 1 hour, 40 minutes long
- Released 2003
- Instructor: Ed Frawley
Product Description
This video assumes you understand the basics of bite training. If you have never trained a protection dog - we recommend you first purchase our video “The First Steps of Bite Training” or “Training Personal Protection Dogs."
Many police departments waste thousands of dollars in officer training time with dogs that should never have been selected as a patrol dog. Our tape on training a police service dog shows how to test a dog to determine if it has the necessary drive to do police work. Some dogs make excellent personal protection dogs but are not good enough for Police work. We show exactly where to draw the line between a personal protection dog and a police service dog.
The majority of accidental training bites are caused from equipment failure or mistakes in handling. Our video shows what equipment to use and includes an excellent section on leash handling during bite training.
We show how to train a dog to target his bite to the entire body starting with leg bites, then leg to arm transfers, arm to leg transfers, and finally, back and shoulder bites.
Because Police dogs are often sent off leash, we show how to put "off leash control" into the dogs. Off leash control is a must for every department that wants to eliminate accidental bites.
We show how to train a K9 to work a traffic stop. The dog must learn when he can and cannot leave the car.
We have detailed sections on field searches and building searches. Building searches are one of the most hazardous duty assignments a canine officer is required to perform. Our training methods focus on Officer Survival. This video was filmed in West Germany and the U.S.

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