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Key Features
- Released Winter 2010
- 4 hours long
- Instructor: Michael Ellis
- Also available as a self-study online course! CLICK HERE to sign up!
Product Description
This is our third in the Michael Ellis series of training DVDs. We feel it's the best one yet. The training information in this video is revolutionary in the world of dog training.
Michael's motivational system of training dogs is based in marker training. The foundation for the work Focused Heeling is covered in the 9 1/2 hours of instruction featured in our two earlier DVDs that were done with Michael, The Power of Training Dogs with Food and The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog.
The old "yank and crank" methods of training heeling have gone by the wayside. The fact is a good portion of the training in this DVD can be done without a leash and without corrections. In fact introducing corrections are the very last step in focused heeling.
The work in this DVD is revolutionary. I started going to competitive training seminars in 1974 and have never stopped. I have never been exposed to concepts that even come close to the work in this DVD.
Training dogs to give to pressure is revolutionary in the field of dog training. It teaches young dogs how to live with stress. The concept of "learning how to give to pressure" has been around for years in horse training, no one has introduced it into the world of dog training like Michael Ellis.
What's the difference between this course, the DVD, and the stream?
DVD: 4 hours (physical copy)
Stream: 4 hours, lifetime access, stream from anywhere
Online Course: 66 videos (4 hours), text content, discussion board, lifetime access, stream from anywhere
- The Need for Engagement
- When to start training
- Terms of the training
- Muscle Memory Heeling
- Step 1 - head position along a barrier
- Step 2 - Fading the Lure hand
- Step 3 - Putting focus on Cue
- Leash Pressure
- What when and why to teach your dog to "give to pressure"
- When to start introducing leash pressure
- Training the Back-Up on a verbal cue
- Sustained Focus
- Increase the focus and distance of straight line heeling
- Heel off the wall
- When to use Food vs a Toy Reward for Heeling
- When and why do you move from a food rewards to a toy rewards
- Choosing the dogs focal point on your body
- How to retrain a dog that has been started in other training systems
- Training Turns while Heeling
- When to start training turns
- Use of touch pads in teaching the turn
- Using a physical cue along with a verbal cue in teaching turns
- Left turns
- Right turns
- About turns
- Training the Finish
- The types of finishes used in heeling your dog and how they vary
- How to layer teaching the finish into your heeling program
- Find the Left Leg
- Fine tune your dogs position by training "Find the Left leg exercises"
- Adding Distractions
- Bloopers

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Write a ReviewI appreciate Michael sharing his talent and I now own 5 other of his DVDs and try to purchase one per month!!
I love his way with dogs and people. What a great spirit this man has.
Nicely done, and I most especially love that they included footage of non-trainers in there making mistakes! (Or perhaps they were dog trainers learning a new method of teaching the heel.) Very helpful to anyone not a dog trainer by trade, and a nice alternative way to teach the heel.
While anyone could probably learn from this video, it is probably geared towards people that have some experience training with their dogs already, or at least read up a bit first. I wouldn't hand this to a complete novice, but it is not a hard method to grasp, either.
Mr. Ellis can move closer to me anytime...would love to attend his school for dog trainers! LOL!
Thought you might enjoy the attached photos... a couple pictures I took with my cell phone of my 6-Month old pup holding the DVD right after I got it out of the mailbox.
Thanks again!
Merry Christmas to All.
I will certainly be back to purchase more training DVDs.
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