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Key Features
- 3+ Hours Long
- Released September 2018
- Instructor: Ed Frawley
- Dog ages and skills: All
- Perfect for new dog owners
- Also available as a self-study online course! CLICK HERE to sign up!
Product Description
On Sept 18, 2018, Ed Frawley released a new Basic Dog Obedience DVD, Streaming Video On Demand, and Leerburg Online Course. This was not just an updated version of the original video produced back in 1982 or the many updates since. This DVD and course have 100% new content.
Over the past 30 years, dog training has gone through a number of new exciting evolutions. Those changes are all covered in our new DVD. You can review a detailed outline of the DVD below.
Today, we use reward-based training (marker training) to turn training sessions into games in which our dogs learn new behaviors (I.E. Sit, Down, Come, Walk on a Loose Leash). Our goal is to have a dog that looks forward to the next training session, rather than dread training.
We are balanced dog trainers. This means we train new behaviors motivationally with high-value rewards. In Basic Obedience, we use food rewards. In later training, we use food or toy rewards.
Our goal is for our dogs to generalizing a behavior. This means they understand the command in different situations and locations. But we also realize that every dog will eventually be placed in an environment where the distractions they face in the new environment are more interesting to the dog than our high value reward.
At that point, our dog may need a correction. How much of a correction depends on the age of the dog, the temperament of the dog, the environment we have placed the dog in and what the dog has chosen not to do. There is an entire segment in out course title “The theory of corrections in dog training”. In this segment, you will learn that the purpose of a correction is not to punish a dog for bad behavior, but rather to get a behavior change. We almost always recommend new trainers error on the side of helping their dogs and not correcting their dog.
We use high-value food rewards in our system. We will explain how to determine your dogs’ preference for rewards, we will teach you how to deliver a food reward without getting our fingers pinched and we will explain (in detail) how to fade using food rewards during training.
We will teach you when and how to start using marker training. We demonstrate with 9 week old puppies and 9 year old rescue dogs. You will learn what engagement is, why it is the key to our training program, and how to put engagement on cue.
We want our dogs to become fluent in the basic commands of sit, down, walk on a loose leash and the foundation of the basic recall. We will teach how to add duration to sit and down commands. You will learn what restrained recall games are, along with other games than build your foundation for a recall. We want our dogs to spit out things it picks up on our walks. There is a segment in our video where we show you how to teach the YUCK or LEAVE-IT command.
Our Basic Obedience DVD is exactly what the title implies. There is a ton of information that covers the basic foundation of dog training. Our next DVD in the series is titled "Intermediate Dog Training." In the DVD, we take what you have learned in Basic Obedience and expand the training into more complicated behaviors.
In our Intermediate DVD, you will learn how to teach your dog to stand for an exam (at the groomer or your vet). We will teach a “hand touch” or Look command which are tools we use every day with our dogs. You will learn how to send your dog to his dog bed and expect him to stay on the bed when friends or family come over to the house.
The intermediate course will also teach contact heeling which is an exercise where the dog is expected to lean into and make contact with our leg when asked. We use contact heeling when passing other dogs, people or distracting situation while out on walks.
The intermediate course expands on our foundation of a recall by training our dogs to be called away from other dogs and or other people, plus a lot more.
What's the difference between this course, the DVD, and the stream?
DVD: 3 hours, 5 minutes (physical copy)
Stream: 3 hours, 5 minutes, lifetime access, stream from anywhere
Online Course: 141 videos (478 minutes), additional text content, discussion board, lifetime access, stream from anywhere
- Chapter 1: Your Foundation
- Ed Frawley's Resume to Teach
- Understanding Good Management
- We must become a Balanced Dog Trainer
- Why we train with Food? How to stop using Food
- How we split Exercises into Small Parts for Training
- Theory of Corrections
- Build Your Dog's Training Plan
- Chapter 2: Reward-Based Training
- What is Reward based Training - Marker Training
- How we Deliver a Food Reward
- How we Start Training - Charge the Mark
- Why Engagement is So Important
- Putting Engagement on Cue
- Chapter 3: Lures/Gestures & Training the Sit and Down
- Gestures / Lures / Adding the Command
- Training the Sit
- Train the Down
- Adding Duration to the Sit and Down
- What a good Training Session Looks Like
- Why the Stay is also an intermediate Command
- Chapter 4: Training Loose Leash Walking
- Walk on a Loose Leash
- Training the Yuck or Leave-It
- Chapter 5: The Basic Recall
- The Recall is your most Important Command
- Rules of the Recall
- Restrained Recalls
- Food Toss Recall
- Long Line Recalls
- Chapter 6: Where to go From Here
- Our Intermediate Online Course - Your Next Step
- Leerburg's Recommended Advanced DVD's
- Dog Sports - Are they for you?

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Write a ReviewAggressive dogs. Thank you again for all your hard work and for giving me the tools I need to help my dogs (past,present and future) be well mannered and a joy to live with.
As a woman who just finished up Chemo for Breast Cancer I did not think I could take on such a challenge of training a large dog but your DVD was straightforward, easy, stress free and quick! Much to the disbelief of fellow lab owners! The results of the training has even given me a new lease on life and has given me a since of accomplishment after a very long six months!
However, I must confess, that the largest delight I get from your website is reading the Dumb and Dumber questions and responses. I sometimes laugh out loud at the questions and your distinctive and to the point reply.
Keep up the great work!
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