Key Features
- 12 DVDs Total
- Save $40.50 by purchasing as a set
- Instructor: Michael Ellis
Product Description
This DVD set includes 12 DVDs that feature Michael Ellis as the main instructor.
- The Power of Training Dogs with Food DVD
- The Power of Playing Tug with Your Dog DVD
- Advanced Concepts in Motivation DVD
- The Foundation of Puppy Bite Work DVD
- Focused Heeling DVD
- Training the Retrieve DVD
- Teaching Protection Skills without a Decoy DVD
- Training the Jumps DVD
- Training the Send Away DVD
- The Foundation of Object Guard Training DVD
- Finishing Work DVD
- Training the Recall DVD
5 stars

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Write a ReviewApril 02, 2014
I recently had surgery done on my knee and I went ahead and bought the entire set of Michael Ellis DVDs so I would have something to do while I was laid up. I figured I'd end up buying them all anyway, so what the heck :) There is SO much information in each video and I can't wait to start working with my dog again!
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