Dominant and Aggressive Dogs as Family Pets

The issue of dominant dogs and aggressive dogs in the family pet is the largest single behavioral problem (next to house breaking) that pet owners face.
I have a great deal of information available on the subject of dominant and aggressive dogs on my website.
The fact is 99% of the dominance problems in dogs are in fact owner education problems. Owners simply don't know how to deal with a dominant dog. They don't understand the steps of controlling dominance in dogs. This webpage will help provide a list of articles and DVDs on dealing with dominant or aggressive dogs.
Essential Dominant Dog DVDs
- Dealing with Dominant and Aggressive Dogs: Online Course
- Basic Dog Obedience: DVD/Stream | Online Course
- Establishing Pack Structure with the Family Pet: DVD/Stream
- Remote Collar Training for the Pet Owner: DVD/Stream | Online Course
Recommended Items
- Ed Frawley's Philosophy of Dog Training
- The Groundwork to Establishing Pack Structure with Adult Dogs
- Dealing with the Dominant Dog
- My Dog is Dog Aggressive
- How to Deal with the Overly Aggressive Dog
- How to Break up a Dog Fight without Getting Hurt
- All Dominance & Aggression Articles
Ask Cindy
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