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Key Features
- Released Summer 2017
- Instructor: Ed Frawley
- Dog ages and skills: All
- Topics Covered: choosing a location, Skills to make walks fun and enjoyable, encountering distractions
- Also available as a self-study online course! CLICK HERE to sign up!
Product Description
The goal of this DVD is to share experiences Ed Frawley and Cindy Rhodes have had over the past 55 years of living with and hiking with their dogs. In this DVD, we are going to tell you what has worked and the lessons learned from our mistakes.
We would be amiss to not mention that this DVD is not is a dog training video, it's a "dog owners" training video. This simply means that we are not going to teach you how to train behaviors like "loose leash walking", "left right crosses" or "contact heeling" etc. We have several videos and courses that cover these subjects.
What we are going to do is tell you when, how, and, why we apply these behaviors on our hikes.
New pet owners simply don't understand the complexities of walking or hiking with their dogs. Simply put, "they don't know what they don't know." This often results in being exposed to inaccurate "old wives tails" that lead to problems. This DVD is going to change that.
We will give you the information to develop a game plan on choosing a hiking locations that compliment a dog's level of training and abilities. We are going to cover hiking or walking in suburban areas, urban areas, and rural locations. Each of these environments have different distractions that require different game plans.
You are going to learn how we handle various distractions encountered on our hikes. This includes bikers, joggers, other on and off leash dogs, predators and more.
When done correctly, hiking with your dog will become a safe and enjoyable experience for both of you.
What's the difference between this course, the DVD, and the stream?
DVD: 1 hour, 37 minutes (physical copy)
Stream: 1 hour, 37 minutes, lifetime access, stream from anywhere
Online Course: 74 videos (185 minutes), additional text content, discussion board, lifetime access, stream from anywhere

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