February 01, 2024

I have 2 dogs and would like to add a third dog to our family. What age and sex would be most compatible with my existing dogs?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have an 11 yr old male Doberman and a 1 yr old female
Malinois/GSD cross (neutered and spayed). Both have received their CGC certificates and get along well together. I would like to add a 3rd dog to the family. I was wondering if the sex of the 3rd dog was significant (which would be better) or whether the potential compatibility was more a related to the personality/temperament of the specific dog?

Second question: Are there any recommended ages I should be looking for, or again, is it really more related to the personality/temperament of the 3rd dog?

Thank you for your time,

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Hi there and thanks for your question,

this is a hard question to answer with any certainty because all dogs are different and the dynamic between 3 dogs is more complicated than 2.

Since your oldest dog is male, I might suggest another male since it's likely at some point you'll be back down to 2 dogs and as a general rule a male/female pair often get along better long term. As far as age, I like to add young dogs to my existing group so I can raise them with my dogs from puppyhood, it may be a bit more work at first but I can manage all their interactions and I know my puppy is a clean slate, so to speak. If it's an older dog it may have had some experiences you aren't aware of that can create some problems.

We have a course on management here-https://university.leerburg.com/Catalog/viewCourse/cid/14

If you decide to go with a puppy or younger dog under 6 months, I've linked some additional resources below.
User Response:
Thank you so much for your rapid response and your expert opinions and guidance. Bless you!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
You're welcome and if you add a new dog to the family and need any assistance please feel free to contact me.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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