April 12, 2011

Should I use the bite command while I am training drive with my young dog?

Full Question:

Training my pup for a patrol dog. Do you recommend when doing the drive exercise that I use the bite command when the dog is chasing the ball and when I reward him for focusing on it?

Ed Ed's Answer:

A ball on a string is old school training. The fact is a ball on a string can be used for a dog that will do the following things:

1 - Tug a tug with enthusiasm

2- Out when told to out

3- Bring the tug back when you release it

The problem with using a tug before those three things are established is the dog will self satisfy into the ball by fighting and tugging on it. If it doesn't OUT you have to apply undue force and this takes drive out of the dog.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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