April 12, 2011

My dogs go crazy when they see other dogs through the window. What can I do?

Full Question:
I have a 2 1/2 and a 10 month shih Tzu. I have had the 2 1/2 since she was 1 year and the 10 month since 8 weeks old, both shelter rescues. My problem is that they socialize a lot with people and dogs. They're fine with people, but for some reason when they see other dogs they go ballistic. If I take them close to the other dogs they just want to play. It is very embarrassing because if I am in the house and they see another dog passing the window they try and knock the window out trying to get the dogs. I don't know what kind of training I need.

If we are camping and I am inside the RV and they are in there makeshift kennel for out doors, they go absolutely nuts when dogs are just walking by the streets not even close to where they are. Please help!

I have called some trainers in my area but they want to start from scratch like sit/stay/down etc then progress to another level which would be a waste of my money they known those commands. They love people and kids.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
When dogs act like this they lack leadership from their owners. In other words their owners don’t understand how important pack drive is in how they raise their dogs.

Owners of dogs like yours underestimate the genetic power of "PACK DRIVE." Pack structure is not something new and it is not optional, and if you don’t provide the structure and leadership a dog NEEDS then he or she will behave as canines have for thousands of years and will structure your family and household their own way. In my home, I am the one who calls the shots in and around the house. My dogs look to me for guidance, and without this guidance I’m sure they would act like heathens at the door and window also. You will need to start over with how you allow these dogs to live in your house first. This has NOTHING to do with basic obedience commands, this has to do with your leadership in your dogs’ daily lives. You can’t recreate this stuff in a class setting, it has to be done by you and in the dogs daily environment.

If you want to fix a problem like this you can but it takes some work. I’d start out with our groundwork program.

I’d also recommend the video that picks up where the groundwork article leaves off; Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

Here is a DVD that I would also recommend titled Dealing with Dominant and Aggressive Dogs. If you go to the link on this DVD you can read about what it covers. You will also see a detailed outline of what’s in the video.

I’d also direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website. It will find posts, articles and Q & A’s that deal with your search terms.

I hope this helps. Cindy

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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