April 15, 2011

My dog barks on her way into her puppy class and at the vet’s office, what can I do?

Full Question:
My dog is a cocker and 9 months old. When I take her to the YMCA for beginning puppy class she barks and barks really loud all the way into the classroom. She stops when we get into the room. She also barks and barks when I take her to the Vet and and I have tried doing this every month to get her used to the place. She doesn't stop barking at the Vet's. What can I do?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Dogs like this are typically over stimulated and lack focus on the handler. I’d work with your dog at home, to teach her to perform a behavior that takes her mind off of her surroundings. Like sit and make eye contact. If she likes food or toys, use a high value (i.e. something she NEVER gets during regular training but loves) or a favorite tug toy and reward her for paying attention to you. Like any good dog training, you need to start this in a zero distraction environment first to teach her what you want.

If you are not a student of marker training, I’d recommend it.
The Power of Training Dogs with Markers
The Power of Training Dogs with Food

You can always go to corrections later, but I always try to teach my dogs that paying attention to me and interacting with me is much more interesting than anything going on in their environment.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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