May 20, 2011

I am moving away with my dog and I'm afraid he will have a hard time leaving my sister's dog. Do you have any advice how to proceed with the separation?

Full Question:

My sister and I each have a german shepherd. I have a male dog and she has a female. They are now almost two years old and have been together forever. I'm moving away and would like to take my dog with me. I will still be in the same city so the dogs could see each other. Do you have any advice how to proceed with the separation?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would start with separating them for short periods of time and gradually lengthen the time they spend apart.

Depending on how attached they are to each other, this could take some time. If the dogs are not crate trained already then I would do this first so you have a safe place to confine them during the process.

You can search the website for tips on crate training.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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