May 20, 2011

My dog marks constantly, 2 to four or five times daily, all over the house. What can I do?

Full Question:
Help! My wife is ready to kick myself and my 8yr old Schnauzer out. He marks constantly, 2 to four or five times daily, all over the house. We have 2 females in the house, one spayed one not.

What can I do???

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’d start with our Groundwork program and the video that picks up where the article leaves off - Pack Structure for the Family Pet DVD.

If your dog doesn’t have the run of the house, it’s not possible for him to mark. I would NEVER let a dog like this off leash or out of a crate in the house until he was re-house trained.

We have intact males and females in our house, and none of the males mark. It’s a respect issue. If you have allowed him to do this for an extended period of time, then it will be much harder to correct. If it’s a recent problem, you may want to have him checked over by a vet just to make sure he doesn’t have a medical issue going on.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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