April 19, 2011
My 1 year old Black Lab chews on everything. I don't like to chain her up, but she absolutely shreds things when I am gone. How can I stop the chewing?
Full Question:
Dear Ed,I have 1 year old black lab. I live on farm and she chews on everything...I don't like the idea of having her chained up all the time but every time I come home from work she has brought stuff from the Machine shed out into the yard and absolutely tears stuff to shreds...even when the door is shut she finds things to drag out and chew on...how can I stop her from chewing on everything without chaining her up all day long?
Ed's Answer:
Chaining a dog makes them go crazy. Either get a dog kennel or keep the dog in a dog crate in the house – or find it a new home. There are no other options.
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